


An InternalFlashFont has both glyph table and glyph data placed in a flash which supports random access read (i.e. not a NAND flash)

See: Font, ConstFont

Inherits from: ConstFont, Font

Public Functions

virtual int8_tgetKerning(Unicode::UnicodeChar prevChar, const GlyphNode * glyph) const
Gets the kerning distance between two characters.
virtual const uint8_t *getPixelData(const GlyphNode * glyph) const
Gets the pixel date associated with this glyph.
InternalFlashFont(const GlyphNode glyphs, uint16_t numGlyphs, uint16_t height, uint16_t baseline, uint8_t pixAboveTop, uint8_t pixBelowBottom, uint8_t bitsPerPixel, uint8_t byteAlignRow, uint8_t maxLeft, uint8_t maxRight, const uint8_t glyphDataInternalFlash, const KerningNode * kerningList, const Unicode::UnicodeChar fallbackChar, const Unicode::UnicodeChar ellipsisChar)
Initializes a new instance of the InternalFlashFont class.

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from ConstFont

ConstFont(const GlyphNode * glyphs, uint16_t numGlyphs, uint16_t height, uint16_t baseline, uint8_t pixAboveTop, uint8_t pixBelowBottom, uint8_t bitsPerPixel, uint8_t byteAlignRow, uint8_t maxLeft, uint8_t maxRight, const Unicode::UnicodeChar fallbackChar, const Unicode::UnicodeChar ellipsisChar)
Initializes a new instance of the ConstFont class.
const GlyphNode *find(Unicode::UnicodeChar unicode) const
Finds the glyph data associated with the specified unicode.
const GlyphNode *getGlyph(Unicode::UnicodeChar unicode)
Gets the glyph data associated with the specified Unicode.
virtual const GlyphNode *getGlyph(Unicode::UnicodeChar unicode, const uint8_t *& pixelData, uint8_t & bitsPerPixel) const
Gets the glyph data associated with the specified Unicode.
const GlyphNode *getGlyph(Unicode::UnicodeChar unicode, const uint8_t *& pixelData, uint8_t & bitsPerPixel)
Gets the glyph data associated with the specified Unicode.

Protected Attributes inherited from ConstFont

const GlyphNode *glyphList
The list of glyphs.
The size of the list of glyphs.

Public Functions inherited from Font

virtual FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint16_tgetBaseline() const
Returns the position of the baseline of this font in pixels from the top of the line.
virtual FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint8_tgetBitsPerPixel() const
Gets bits per pixel for this font.
virtual FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint8_tgetByteAlignRow() const
Are the glyphs saved with each glyph row byte aligned?
virtual uint16_tgetCharWidth(const Unicode::UnicodeChar c) const
Gets the width in pixels of the specified character.
virtual const FontContextualFormsTable *getContextualFormsTable() const
Gets the contextual forms table used in arabic fonts.
virtual Unicode::UnicodeChargetEllipsisChar() const
Gets ellipsis character for the given font.
virtual Unicode::UnicodeChargetFallbackChar() const
Gets fallback character for the given font.
virtual const GlyphNode *getGlyph(Unicode::UnicodeChar unicode) const
Gets the glyph data associated with the specified Unicode.
virtual const GlyphNode *getGlyph(Unicode::UnicodeChar unicode, const uint8_t *& pixelData, uint8_t & bitsPerPixel) const =0
Gets the glyph data associated with the specified Unicode.
virtual const uint16_t *getGSUBTable() const
Gets GSUB table.
virtual FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint16_tgetHeight() const
Returns the height of a font.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint8_tgetMaxPixelsLeft() const
Gets maximum pixels left of any glyph in the font.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint8_tgetMaxPixelsRight() const
Gets maximum pixels right of any glyph in the font.
virtual uint16_tgetNumberOfLines(const Unicode::UnicodeChar * text, ... ) const
Count the number of lines in a given text.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint16_tgetPixelsAboveTop() const
Gets pixels above top of the normal text height.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint16_tgetPixelsBelowBottom() const
Gets number of pixel rows below the bottom of the font.
virtual floatgetScaleFactor() const
Returns the scale factor.
virtual int16_tgetSpacingAbove(const Unicode::UnicodeChar * text, ... ) const
Gets the number of blank pixels at the top of the given text.
virtual uint16_tgetStringWidth(const Unicode::UnicodeChar * text, ... ) const
Gets the width in pixels of the specified string.
virtual uint16_tgetStringWidth(TextDirection textDirection, const Unicode::UnicodeChar * text, ... ) const
Gets the width in pixels of the specified string.
virtual boolisVectorBasedFont() const
Returns true if this Font is vector based.
TOUCHGFX_DEPRECATED("Please use getBaseline() instead." , virtual uint16_t getFontHeight() const )
Returns the height in pixels of this font.
TOUCHGFX_DEPRECATED("Please use getHeight() instead." , virtual uint16_t getMaxTextHeight(const Unicode::UnicodeChar *text,...) const )
Gets the height of the highest character in a given string.
TOUCHGFX_DEPRECATED("Please use getHeight() instead." , virtual uint16_t getMinimumTextHeight() const )
Returns the height of a font.
virtual ~Font()
Finalizes an instance of the Font class.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION boolisInvisibleZeroWidth(Unicode::UnicodeChar character)
Query if 'character' is invisible, zero width.

Protected Functions inherited from Font

Font(uint16_t height, uint16_t baseline, uint8_t pixAboveTop, uint8_t pixBelowBottom, uint8_t bitsPerPixel, uint8_t byteAlignRow, uint8_t maxLeft, uint8_t maxRight, const Unicode::UnicodeChar fallbackChar, const Unicode::UnicodeChar ellipsisChar)
Initializes a new instance of the Font class.
uint16_tgetStringWidthLTR(TextDirection textDirection, const Unicode::UnicodeChar * text, va_list pArg) const
Gets the width in pixels of the specified string.
uint16_tgetStringWidthRTL(TextDirection textDirection, const Unicode::UnicodeChar * text, va_list pArg) const
Gets the width in pixels of the specified string.

Protected Attributes inherited from Font

The glyphs are saved with each row byte aligned.
The baseline.
The number of bits per pixel.
The ellipsis character used for truncating long texts.
The fallback character to use when no glyph exists for the wanted character.
The font height in pixels.
The maximum number of pixels a glyph extends to the left.
The maximum number of pixels a glyph extends to the right.
The number of pixels above the top.
The number of pixels below the bottom.

Public Functions Documentation


virtual int8_t getKerning(Unicode::UnicodeCharprevChar ,const
const GlyphNode *glyphconst

Gets the kerning distance between two characters.

prevCharThe Unicode value of the previous character.
glyphthe glyph object for the current character.

The kerning distance between prevChar and glyph char.

Reimplements: touchgfx::ConstFont::getKerning


virtual const uint8_t * getPixelData(const GlyphNode *glyph)

Gets the pixel date associated with this glyph.

glyphThe glyph to get the pixels data from.

Pointer to the pixel data of this glyph.

Reimplements: touchgfx::ConstFont::getPixelData


InternalFlashFont(const GlyphNode *glyphs ,
uint16_tnumGlyphs ,
uint16_theight ,
uint16_tbaseline ,
uint8_tpixAboveTop ,
uint8_tpixBelowBottom ,
uint8_tbitsPerPixel ,
uint8_tbyteAlignRow ,
uint8_tmaxLeft ,
uint8_tmaxRight ,
const uint8_t *glyphDataInternalFlash ,
const KerningNode *kerningList ,
const Unicode::UnicodeCharfallbackChar ,
const Unicode::UnicodeCharellipsisChar

Initializes a new instance of the InternalFlashFont class.

glyphsThe array of glyphs known to this font.
numGlyphsThe number of glyphs in list.
heightThe height in pixels of the highest character in this font.
baselineThe baseline in pixel.
pixAboveTopThe maximum number of pixels above the top of the text.
pixBelowBottomThe maximum number of pixels that can be drawn below the bottom in this font.
bitsPerPixelThe number of bits per pixel in this font.
byteAlignRowThe glyphs are saved with each row byte aligned.
maxLeftThe maximum a character extends to the left.
maxRightThe maximum a character extends to the right.
glyphDataInternalFlashPointer to the glyph data for the font, placed in internal flash.
kerningListpointer to the kerning data for the font, placed in internal flash.
fallbackCharThe fallback character for the typography in case no glyph is available.
ellipsisCharThe ellipsis character used for truncating long texts.