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Abstract helper class used to implement graphs with the same distance between the x values (i.e. x is ignored).

Inherits from: AbstractDataGraph, Container, Drawable

Inherited by: GraphData

Public Functions

FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_taddDataPoint(float x, float y)
Adds a new data point to the end of the graph.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_taddDataPoint(int x, int y)
Adds a new data point to the end of the graph.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_taddDataPointScaled(int x, int y)
Adds a new data point to the end of the graph.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION intdeleteDataPoint(float x)
Deletes the data point at the given x value.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION intdeleteDataPoint(int x)
Deletes the data point at the given x value.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_tdeleteDataPointIndex(int index)
Same as deleteDataPoint(int) except the passed argument is the index of the value to delete.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_tdeleteDataPointScaled(int x)
Same as dalateDataPoint(int) except the passed argument is assumed scaled.
virtual intindexToDataPointXScaled(int16_t index) const
Gets data point x coordinate scaled.
virtual intindexToDataPointYScaled(int16_t index) const
Gets data point y coordinate scaled.
virtual voidsetGraphRangeXAutoScaled(bool showYaxis, int margin)
Sets graph range x coordinate automatic scaled.
virtual voidsetGraphRangeYAutoScaled(bool showXaxis =true, int margin =0)
Sets graph range y coordinate automatic scaled.
virtual voidsetScaleX(int scale, bool updateData =false)
Sets a scaling factor to be multiplied on each X value added.
virtual voidsetScaleY(int scale, bool updateData =false)
Sets a scaling factor to be multiplied on each Y value added.
StaticDataGraph(int16_t capacity, int xvalues, int yvalues)
Initializes a new instance of the AbstractDataGraphWithY class.

Protected Functions

virtual int16_taddValue(int xvalue, int yvalue) =0
Adds a value to the internal data array and keeps track of when graph points, graph axis and the entire graph needs to be redrawn (invalidated).
virtual int16_tdeleteIndex(int index)
Removes a value from the internal data array and keeps track of when graph points, graph axis and the entire graph needs to be redrawn (invalidated).
virtual int16_tdeleteValue(int xvalue)
Removes a value from the internal data array and keeps track of when graph points, graph axis and the entire graph needs to be redrawn (invalidated).
virtual CWRUtil::Q5indexToScreenXQ5(int16_t index) const
Gets screen x coordinate for a specific data point added to the graph.
virtual CWRUtil::Q5indexToScreenYQ5(int16_t index) const
Gets screen y coordinate for a specific data point added to the graph.
virtual intindexToXAxis(const int valueScaled, const int labelScaled) const
Convert the given valueScaled (index) to x axis value.
virtual boolxScreenRangeToIndexRange(int16_t xMin, int16_t xMax, int16_t & indexMin, int16_t & indexMax) const
Gets index range for screen x coordinate range taking the current graph range into account.

Protected Attributes

int *xValues
The x values of the graph.
int *yValues
The y values of the graph.

Additional inherited members

Public Classes inherited from AbstractDataGraph

An object of this type is passed with each callback that is sent when the graph is clicked.
An object of this type is passed with each callback that is sent when the graph is dragged.

Public Functions inherited from AbstractDataGraph

AbstractDataGraph(int16_t capacity)
Initializes a new instance of the AbstractDataGraph class.
voidaddBottomElement(AbstractGraphDecoration & d)
Adds an element to be shown in the area below the graph.
voidaddGraphElement(AbstractGraphElement & d)
Adds a graph element which will display the graph.
voidaddLeftElement(AbstractGraphDecoration & d)
Adds an element to be shown in the area to the left of the graph.
voidaddRightElement(AbstractGraphDecoration & d)
Adds an element to be shown in the area to the right of the graph.
voidaddTopElement(AbstractGraphDecoration & d)
Adds an element to be shown in the area above the graph.
virtual voidclear()
Clears the graph to its blank/initial state.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION intfloat2scaledX(float f) const
Same as float2scaled(float, int) using the graph's x scale.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION intfloat2scaledY(float f) const
Same as float2scaled(float, int) using the graph's y scale.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint8_tgetAlpha() const
Gets the current alpha value of the widget.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_tgetGapBeforeIndex() const
Gets gap before index as set using setGapBeforeIndex().
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_tgetGraphAreaHeight() const
Gets graph area height.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_tgetGraphAreaHeightIncludingPadding() const
Gets graph area height including padding (but not margin).
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_tgetGraphAreaMarginBottom() const
Gets graph margin bottom.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_tgetGraphAreaMarginLeft() const
Gets graph margin left.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_tgetGraphAreaMarginRight() const
Gets graph margin right.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_tgetGraphAreaMarginTop() const
Gets graph margin top.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_tgetGraphAreaPaddingBottom() const
Gets graph area padding bottom.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_tgetGraphAreaPaddingLeft() const
Gets graph area padding left.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_tgetGraphAreaPaddingRight() const
Gets graph area padding right.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_tgetGraphAreaPaddingTop() const
Gets graph area padding top.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_tgetGraphAreaWidth() const
Gets graph area width.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_tgetGraphAreaWidthIncludingPadding() const
Gets graph area width including padding (but not margin).
virtual floatgetGraphRangeXMaxAsFloat() const
Gets maximum x value for the graph.
virtual intgetGraphRangeXMaxAsInt() const
Gets maximum x value for the graph.
virtual intgetGraphRangeXMaxScaled() const
Gets maximum x value for the graph.
virtual floatgetGraphRangeXMinAsFloat() const
Gets minimum x value for the graph.
virtual intgetGraphRangeXMinAsInt() const
Gets minimum x value for the graph.
virtual intgetGraphRangeXMinScaled() const
Gets minimum x value for the graph.
virtual floatgetGraphRangeYMaxAsFloat() const
Gets maximum y value for the graph.
virtual intgetGraphRangeYMaxAsInt() const
Gets maximum y value for the graph.
virtual intgetGraphRangeYMaxScaled() const
Gets maximum y value for the graph.
virtual floatgetGraphRangeYMinAsFloat() const
Gets minimum y value for the graph.
virtual intgetGraphRangeYMinAsInt() const
Gets minimum y value for the graph.
virtual intgetGraphRangeYMinScaled() const
Gets minimum y value for the graph.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_tgetMaxCapacity() const
Gets the capacity (max number of points) of the graph.
virtual boolgetNearestIndexForScreenX(int16_t x, int16_t & index) const
Gets graph index nearest to the given screen x value.
virtual boolgetNearestIndexForScreenXY(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t & index)
Gets graph index nearest to the given screen position.
virtual intgetScaleX() const
Gets the scaling factor previously set using setScaleX().
virtual intgetScaleY() const
Gets the scaling factor previously set using setScaleY().
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_tgetUsedCapacity() const
Gets the number of point used by the graph.
virtual voidhandleClickEvent(const ClickEvent & event)
Defines the event handler interface for ClickEvents.
virtual voidhandleDragEvent(const DragEvent & event)
Defines the event handler interface for DragEvents.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION voidindexToDataPoint(int16_t index, float & xvalue, float & yvalue) const
Gets data point as floating point values.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION voidindexToDataPoint(int16_t index, int & xvalue, int & yvalue) const
Gets data point as integer values.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION voidindexToDataPointScaled(int16_t index, int & xvalue, int & yvalue) const
Gets data point as raw (scaled) values.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION floatindexToDataPointXAsFloat(int16_t index) const
Gets data point x coordinate as float.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION intindexToDataPointXAsInt(int16_t index) const
Gets data point x coordinate as int.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION floatindexToDataPointYAsFloat(int16_t index) const
Gets data point y coordinate as float.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION intindexToDataPointYAsInt(int16_t index) const
Gets data point y coordinate as int.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_tindexToScreenX(int16_t index) const
Get the screen x coordinate for the given graph point index.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_tindexToScreenY(int16_t index) const
Get the screen y coordinate for the given graph point index.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION intint2scaledX(int i) const
Same as int2scaled(int, int) using the graph's x scale.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION intint2scaledY(int i) const
Same as int2scaled(int, int) using the graph's y scale.
virtual voidinvalidateContent() const
Invalidate content.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION floatscaled2floatX(int i) const
Same as scaled2float(int, int) using the graph's x scale.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION floatscaled2floatY(int i) const
Same as scaled2float(int, int) using the graph's y scale.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION intscaled2intX(int i) const
Same as scaled2int(int, int) using the graph's x scale.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION intscaled2intY(int i) const
Same as scaled2int(int, int) using the graph's y scale.
virtual voidsetAlpha(uint8_t newAlpha)
Sets the opacity (alpha value).
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION voidsetClickAction(GenericCallback< const AbstractDataGraph &, const GraphClickEvent & > & callback)
Sets an action to be executed when the graph is clicked.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION voidsetDragAction(GenericCallback< const AbstractDataGraph &, const GraphDragEvent & > & callback)
Sets an action to be executed when the graph is dragged.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION voidsetGapBeforeIndex(int16_t index)
Makes gap before the specified index.
voidsetGraphAreaMargin(int16_t top, int16_t left, int16_t right, int16_t bottom)
Sets graph position inside the widget by reserving a margin around the graph.
voidsetGraphAreaPadding(int16_t top, int16_t left, int16_t right, int16_t bottom)
Adds padding around the graph that will not be drawn in (apart from dots, boxes, lines etc.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION voidsetGraphRange(float xMin, float xMax, float yMin, float yMax)
Sets minimum and maximum x and y coordinate ranges for the graph.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION voidsetGraphRange(float xMin, float xMax, int yMin, int yMax)
Sets minimum and maximum x and y coordinate ranges for the graph.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION voidsetGraphRange(int xMin, int xMax, float yMin, float yMax)
Sets minimum and maximum x and y coordinate ranges for the graph.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION voidsetGraphRange(int xMin, int xMax, int yMin, int yMax)
Sets minimum and maximum x and y coordinate ranges for the graph.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION voidsetGraphRangeScaled(int xMin, int xMax, int yMin, int yMax)
Same as setGraphRange(int, int, int, int) except the passed arguments are assumed scaled.
virtual voidsetGraphRangeX(float min, float max)
Sets minimum and maximum x coordinates for the graph.
virtual voidsetGraphRangeX(int min, int max)
Sets minimum and maximum x coordinates for the graph.
virtual voidsetGraphRangeXAuto(bool showYaxis, float margin)
Automatically adjust min and max x coordinate to show entire graph.
virtual voidsetGraphRangeXAuto(bool showYaxis =true, int margin =0)
Automatically adjust min and max x coordinate to show entire graph.
virtual voidsetGraphRangeXScaled(int min, int max)
Sets minimum and maximum x coordinates for the graph.
virtual voidsetGraphRangeY(float min, float max)
Sets minimum and maximum y coordinates for the graph.
virtual voidsetGraphRangeY(int min, int max)
Sets minimum and maximum y coordinates for the graph.
virtual voidsetGraphRangeYAuto(bool showXaxis, float margin)
Automatic adjust min and max y coordinate to show entire graph.
virtual voidsetGraphRangeYAuto(bool showXaxis =true, int margin =0)
Automatic adjust min and max y coordinate to show entire graph.
virtual voidsetGraphRangeYScaled(int min, int max)
Same as setGraphRangeY(int, int) except the passed arguments are assumed scaled.
virtual voidsetHeight(int16_t height)
Sets the height of this drawable.
virtual voidsetWidth(int16_t width)
Sets the width of this drawable.
intconvertToNewScale(int value, int oldScale, int newScale)
Converts a value from one scale to another scale.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION intfloat2scaled(float f, int scale)
Multiply a floating point value with a constant and round the result.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION intint2scaled(int i, int scale)
Multiply an integer value with a constant.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION floatscaled2float(int i, int scale)
Divide a floating point number with a constant.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION intscaled2int(int i, int scale)
Divide an integer with a constant and round the result.

Protected Functions inherited from AbstractDataGraph

Invalidate all x axis points.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION voidinvalidateGraphArea() const
Invalidate entire graph area (the center of the graph).
voidinvalidateGraphPointAt(int16_t index)
Invalidate point at a given index.
voidinvalidateXAxisPointAt(int16_t index)
Invalidate x axis point at the given index.
Updates the position of all elements in all area after a change in size of the graph area and/or label padding.
virtual CWRUtil::Q5valueToScreenXQ5(int x) const
Gets screen x coordinate for an absolute value.
virtual CWRUtil::Q5valueToScreenYQ5(int y) const
Gets screen y coordinate for an absolute value.

Protected Attributes inherited from AbstractDataGraph

The alpha of the entire graph.
The area below the graph.
The graph area bottom padding.
GenericCallback< const AbstractDataGraph &, const GraphClickEvent & > *clickAction
The callback to be executed when this Graph is clicked.
GenericCallback< const AbstractDataGraph &, const GraphDragEvent & > *dragAction
The callback to be executed when this Graph is dragged.
The graph is disconnected (there is a gap) before this element index.
The graph area (the center area)
The graph range maximum x coordinate.
The graph range maximum y coordinate.
The graph range minimum x coordinate.
The graph range minimum y coordinate.
The area to the left of the graph.
The graph area left padding.
Maximum number of points in the graph.
The area to the right of the graph.
The graph area right padding.
The area above the graph.
The graph area top padding.
The number of used points in the graph.
The data scale for the x values.
The data scale for the y values.

Public Functions inherited from Container

virtual voidadd(Drawable & d)
Adds a Drawable instance as child to this Container.
virtual boolcontains(const Drawable & d)
Query if a given Drawable has been added directly to this Container.
virtual voiddraw(const Rect & invalidatedArea) const
Draw this drawable.
virtual voidforEachChild(GenericCallback< Drawable & > * function)
Executes the specified callback function for each child in the Container.
virtual Drawable *getFirstChild()
Obtain a pointer to the first child of this container.
virtual voidgetLastChild(int16_t x, int16_t y, Drawable ** last)
Gets the last child in the list of children in this Container.
virtual voidgetLastChildNear(int16_t x, int16_t y, Drawable * last, int16_t fingerAdjustmentX, int16_t * fingerAdjustmentY)
Works similar to getLastChild() but also considers the current set finger size in HAL.
virtual RectgetSolidRect() const
Get (the largest possible) rectangle that is guaranteed to be solid (opaque).
virtual voidinsert(Drawable * previous, Drawable & d)
Inserts a Drawable after a specific child node.
virtual voidremove(Drawable & d)
Removes a Drawable from the container by removing it from the linked list of children.
virtual voidremoveAll()
Removes all children in the Container by resetting their parent and sibling pointers.
virtual voidunlink()
Removes all children by unlinking the first child.

Protected Functions inherited from Container

virtual RectgetContainedArea() const
Gets a rectangle describing the total area covered by the children of this container.
virtual voidmoveChildrenRelative(int16_t deltaX, int16_t deltaY)
Calls moveRelative on all children.

Protected Attributes inherited from Container

Drawable *firstChild
Pointer to the first child of this container. Subsequent children can be found through firstChild's nextSibling.

Public Functions inherited from Drawable

Centers the Drawable inside its parent.
Center the Drawable horizontally inside its parent.
Center the Drawable vertically inside its parent.
virtual voidchildGeometryChanged()
This function can be called on parent nodes to signal that the size or position of one or more of its children has changed.
virtual voiddraw(const Rect & invalidatedArea) const =0
Draw this drawable.
Initializes a new instance of the Drawable class.
voiddrawToDynamicBitmap(BitmapId id)
Render the Drawable object into a dynamic bitmap.
voidexpand(int margin =0)
Expands the Drawable to have the same size as its parent with a given margin around the edge.
RectgetAbsoluteRect() const
Helper function for obtaining the rectangle this Drawable covers, expressed in absolute coordinates.
virtual Drawable *getFirstChild()
Function for obtaining the first child of this drawable if any.
int16_tgetHeight() const
Gets the height of this Drawable.
virtual voidgetLastChild(int16_t x, int16_t y, Drawable ** last) =0
Function for obtaining the the last child of this drawable that intersects with the specified point.
Drawable *getNextSibling()
Gets the next sibling node.
Drawable *getParent() const
Returns the parent node.
const Rect &getRect() const
Gets the rectangle this Drawable covers, in coordinates relative to its parent.
virtual RectgetSolidRect() const =0
Get (the largest possible) rectangle that is guaranteed to be solid (opaque).
virtual RectgetSolidRectAbsolute()
Helper function for obtaining the largest solid rect (as implemented by getSolidRect()) expressed in absolute coordinates.
virtual voidgetVisibleRect(Rect & rect) const
Function for finding the visible part of this drawable.
int16_tgetWidth() const
Gets the width of this Drawable.
int16_tgetX() const
Gets the x coordinate of this Drawable, relative to its parent.
int16_tgetY() const
Gets the y coordinate of this Drawable, relative to its parent.
virtual voidhandleClickEvent(const ClickEvent & event)
Defines the event handler interface for ClickEvents.
virtual voidhandleDragEvent(const DragEvent & event)
Defines the event handler interface for DragEvents.
virtual voidhandleGestureEvent(const GestureEvent & event)
Defines the event handler interface for GestureEvents.
virtual voidhandleTickEvent()
Called periodically by the framework if the Drawable instance has subscribed to timer ticks.
virtual voidinvalidate() const
Tell the framework that this entire Drawable needs to be redrawn.
virtual voidinvalidateContent() const
Tell the framework that the contents of the Drawable needs to be redrawn.
virtual voidinvalidateRect(Rect & invalidatedArea) const
Request that a region of this drawable is redrawn.
boolisTouchable() const
Gets whether this Drawable receives touch events or not.
boolisVisible() const
Gets whether this Drawable is visible.
virtual voidmoveRelative(int16_t x, int16_t y)
Moves the drawable.
virtual voidmoveTo(int16_t x, int16_t y)
Moves the drawable.
virtual voidsetHeight(int16_t height)
Sets the height of this drawable.
voidsetPosition(const Drawable & drawable)
Sets the position of the Drawable to the same as the given Drawable.
voidsetPosition(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width, int16_t height)
Sets the size and position of this Drawable, relative to its parent.
voidsetTouchable(bool touch)
Controls whether this Drawable receives touch events or not.
voidsetVisible(bool vis)
Controls whether this Drawable should be visible.
virtual voidsetWidth(int16_t width)
Sets the width of this drawable.
voidsetWidthHeight(const Bitmap & bitmap)
Sets the dimensions (width and height) of the Drawable without changing the x and y coordinates).
voidsetWidthHeight(const Drawable & drawable)
Sets the dimensions (width and height) of the Drawable without changing the x and y coordinates).
voidsetWidthHeight(const Rect & other)
Sets the dimensions (width and height) of the Drawable without changing the x and y coordinates).
voidsetWidthHeight(int16_t width, int16_t height)
Sets the dimensions (width and height) of the Drawable without changing the x and y coordinates).
virtual voidsetX(int16_t x)
Sets the x coordinate of this Drawable, relative to its parent.
voidsetXY(const Drawable & drawable)
Sets the x and y coordinates of this Drawable.
voidsetXY(int16_t x, int16_t y)
Sets the x and y coordinates of this Drawable, relative to its parent.
virtual voidsetY(int16_t y)
Sets the y coordinate of this Drawable, relative to its parent.
virtual voidtranslateRectToAbsolute(Rect & r) const
Helper function for converting a region of this Drawable to absolute coordinates.
virtual ~Drawable()
Finalizes an instance of the Drawable class.

Protected Attributes inherited from Drawable

Drawable *nextSibling
Pointer to the next Drawable.
Drawable *parent
Pointer to this drawable's parent.
The coordinates of this Drawable, relative to its parent.
True if this drawable should receive touch events.
True if this drawable should be drawn.

Public Functions Documentation


FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_t addDataPoint(floatx ,

Adds a new data point to the end of the graph.

The part of the graph that is changed, is automatically redrawn (invalidated).

xThe x value.
yThe y value.

The index of the just added value.


FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_t addDataPoint(intx ,

Adds a new data point to the end of the graph.

The part of the graph that is changed, is automatically redrawn (invalidated).

xThe x value.
yThe y value.

The index of the just added value.


FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_t addDataPointScaled(intx ,

Adds a new data point to the end of the graph.

The part of the graph that is changed, is automatically redrawn (invalidated).

xThe x value.
yThe y value.

The index of the just added value. The index of the added data point.


Same as addDataPoint(int, int) except the passed argument is assumed scaled.


FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int deleteDataPoint(floatx)

Deletes the data point at the given x value.

xThe x value.

The index of the deleted value, -1 if the x coordinate was not found.


FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int deleteDataPoint(intx)

Deletes the data point at the given x value.

xThe x value.

The index of the deleted value, -1 if the x coordinate was not found.


FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_t deleteDataPointIndex(intindex)

Same as deleteDataPoint(int) except the passed argument is the index of the value to delete.

Deletes a data point.

indexZero-based index of the values to delete.

The index of the deleted value, -1 if the x coordinate was not found.


FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION int16_t deleteDataPointScaled(intx)

Same as dalateDataPoint(int) except the passed argument is assumed scaled.

Deletes a data point scaled.

xThe x value.

The index of the deleted value, -1 if the x coordinate was not found.


virtual int indexToDataPointXScaled(int16_tindex)

Gets data point x coordinate scaled.

indexZero-based index of the value to fetch.

The data point x coordinate scaled.

See also:

Reimplements: touchgfx::AbstractDataGraph::indexToDataPointXScaled


virtual int indexToDataPointYScaled(int16_tindex)

Gets data point y coordinate scaled.

indexZero-based index of the value to fetch.

The data point y coordinate scaled.

See also:

Reimplements: touchgfx::AbstractDataGraph::indexToDataPointYScaled


virtual void setGraphRangeXAutoScaled(boolshowYaxis ,

Sets graph range x coordinate automatic scaled.

showYaxisTrue to show, false to hide the y axis.
marginThe margin.

Reimplements: touchgfx::AbstractDataGraph::setGraphRangeXAutoScaled


virtual void setGraphRangeYAutoScaled(boolshowXaxis =true,
intmargin =0

Sets graph range y coordinate automatic scaled.

showXaxis(Optional) True to show, false to hide the x axis.
margin(Optional) The margin.

Reimplements: touchgfx::AbstractDataGraph::setGraphRangeYAutoScaled


virtual void setScaleX(intscale ,
boolupdateData =false

Sets a scaling factor to be multiplied on each X value added.

Since the graph only stores integer values internally, it is possible to set a scale to e.g. 1000 and make the graph work as if there are three digits of precision. The addDataPoint() will multiply the x argument with the scaling factor and store this value. Please note the addDataPointScaled, which allows adding a value that is assumed to have already been multiplied by the scaling factor. Other functions exist in a "scaled" version where the arguments are assumed to already be scaled.

By setting the scale to 1 it is possible to simply use integer values for the graph.

scaleThe scaling factor.
updateData(Optional) True to update all existing x value.
See also:

Reimplements: touchgfx::AbstractDataGraph::setScaleX


virtual void setScaleY(intscale ,
boolupdateData =false

Sets a scaling factor to be multiplied on each Y value added.

Since the graph only stores integer values internally, it is possible to set a scale to e.g. 1000 and make the graph work as if there are three digits of precision. The addDataPoint() will multiply the y argument with the scaling factor and store this value. Please note the addDataPointScaled, which allows adding a value that is assumed to have already been multiplied by the scaling factor. Other functions exist in a "scaled" version where the arguments are assumed to already be scaled.

By setting the scale to 1 it is possible to simply use integer values for the graph.

scaleThe scaling factor.
updateData(Optional) True to update all existing y value.
See also:

Reimplements: touchgfx::AbstractDataGraph::setScaleY


StaticDataGraph(int16_tcapacity ,
int *xvalues ,
int *yvalues

Initializes a new instance of the AbstractDataGraphWithY class.

capacityThe capacity.
xvaluesAddress where to store the x values of the graph.
yvaluesAddress where to store the y values of the graph.

Protected Functions Documentation


virtual int16_t addValue(intxvalue ,=0

Adds a value to the internal data array and keeps track of when graph points, graph axis and the entire graph needs to be redrawn (invalidated).

xvalueThe x value to add to the array.
yvalueThe y value to add to the array.

The index of the newly added value, or -1 if the value could not be added.

Reimplemented by: touchgfx::GraphData::addValue


virtual int16_t deleteIndex(intindex)

Removes a value from the internal data array and keeps track of when graph points, graph axis and the entire graph needs to be redrawn (invalidated).

indexZero-based index of the data point to delete.

The index of the removed value, or -1 if the value could not be removed.


virtual int16_t deleteValue(intxvalue)

Removes a value from the internal data array and keeps track of when graph points, graph axis and the entire graph needs to be redrawn (invalidated).

xvalueThe x value to remove from the array.

The index of the removed value, or -1 if the value could not be removed.


virtual CWRUtil::Q5 indexToScreenXQ5(int16_tindex)

Gets screen x coordinate for a specific data point added to the graph.

indexThe index of the element to get the x coordinate for.

The screen x coordinate for the specific data point.

Reimplements: touchgfx::AbstractDataGraph::indexToScreenXQ5


virtual CWRUtil::Q5 indexToScreenYQ5(int16_tindex)

Gets screen y coordinate for a specific data point added to the graph.

indexThe index of the element to get the y coordinate for.

The screen x coordinate for the specific data point.

Reimplements: touchgfx::AbstractDataGraph::indexToScreenYQ5


virtual int indexToXAxis(const intvalueScaled ,const
const intlabelScaledconst

Convert the given valueScaled (index) to x axis value.

valueScaledThe value scaled.
labelScaledThe label scaled.

The x axis value.

Reimplements: touchgfx::AbstractDataGraph::indexToXAxis


virtual bool xScreenRangeToIndexRange(int16_txMin ,const
int16_txMax ,const
int16_t &indexMin ,const
int16_t &indexMaxconst

Gets index range for screen x coordinate range taking the current graph range into account.

xMinThe low screen x coordinate.
xMaxThe high screen x coordinate.
indexMinThe low element index.
indexMaxThe high element index.

True if the range from low index to high index is legal.


For internal use.

Reimplements: touchgfx::AbstractDataGraph::xScreenRangeToIndexRange

Protected Attributes Documentation


int * xValues

The x values of the graph.


int * yValues

The y values of the graph.