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Building a TouchGFX UI often involves a lot of tweeking of the graphics details to match the specification of the UI.

To speed up the development process it is important to have a fast turnaround time when trying out and debugging your application. Flashing a board can often take quite some time so doing this each time you have made a small change to your application will really slow down the development. To alleviate this, the TouchGFX PC simulator is a great addition to your development tools.

You simply compile your application for your PC and run the application there. The code executed is exactly the same as on target hardware except for the Board Bring Up code and Abstraction Layer which are made for the PC instead of your board. This means that you can test things like placement of widgets, interactions, animations, state machines and so on just as precise as on target hardware. You can even debug your code using IDEs like Visual Studio if you like. Of course things like performance analysis and interactions with real backend systems must be done on your board.

Simulator example

How To Run

Using TouchGFX Designer

To launch the simulator from within TouchGFX Designer, simply press the "Run Simulator" button in the top right corner or press F5 on your keyboard.

Launching the simulator from TouchGFX Designer

Using TouchGFX Environment

To launch the simulator using the TouchGFX environment, follow these steps:

  1. Open the TouchGFX Environment
  2. Navigate to the location of your TouchGFX application
    1. for simulator only projects, this is e.g. C:/TouchGFXProjects/MyApplication_1
    2. for target projects, this is e.g. C:/TouchGFXProjects/MyApplication_1/TouchGFX/
  3. Run the command make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile -j6 to compile the simulator
  4. Run the command ./build/bin/simulator.exe to launch the simulator

Run steps 3 and 4 whenever you have made a change to your TouchGFX application.

Simulator Features

Apart from capturing mouse input, the TouchGFX simulator also includes other useful features, listed below:

F1Enables/disables display of pointer coordinates as well as RGB color of the pixel at that coordinate (in hexadecimal).
F2Enables/disables highlighting invalidated area.
F3Takes a screenshot and places the image under the screenshots folder.
CTRL + F3Takes screenshots of the next 50 frames and places the images under the screenshots folder.
SHIFT + F3Takes a screenshot and places it in your clipboard.
F4If a simulator skin is used - enables/disables the simulator skin.
If a simulator skin is not used - enables/disables window border.
F5Sends the application straight back to the startup screen by calling FrontendApplication::changeToStartScreen().
F9Pauses the simulator by preventing ticks to be sent to the application. Pressing F9 again will resume normal execution.
F10While the simulator is paused (after pressing F9) it is possible to send a single tick to the application by pressing F10 thereby "single step" the application.
ESCClose the simulator.

Simulator Only User Code

If you have some code that should only run when using TouchGFX simulator, you can use #ifdef SIMULATOR in your C++ code:

// Your simulator specific user code here

Printing from the simulator

If you want to output a debug text to the console when running the simulator, you can use the touchgfx_printf function:

#include <touchgfx/Utils.hpp>

int i = 0;
touchgfx_printf("Application is running through simulator! \n");
touchgfx_printf("Print our value for integer i = %i \n", i);

Remember to include the Utils.hpp file to get the function declaration.

In real applications (for Cortex-M) touchgfx_printf is defined as an empty macro. It will therefore generate no code and can be used in target code if you want. No need to use #ifdef SIMULATOR here.

Locking and unlocking the framebuffer

If you write code that directly manipulates the framebuffer, it is important to lock the framebuffer before writing pixels to the framebuffer memory, and it is just as important to remember to unlock the framebuffer after having written to the framebuffer.

Locking the framebuffer

The framebuffer is locked using this code snippet:

uint16_t* RESTRICT buf = HAL::getInstance()->lockFrameBuffer();

For historical reasons the return value is a 16 bit pointer to the framebuffer. Cast the pointer to the appropriate pointer type for easier access to the framebuffer.

Unlocking the framebuffer

Use the following code to unlock the framebuffer after use:


Forgetting to unlock the framebuffer

If you forget to unlock the framebuffer, the hardware will freeze while waiting forever for the framebuffer to be available. To help detecting this situation, you will get an assert if the framebuffer is asked by the TouchGFX framework to be locked, while still being locked. The error will look like this from Microsoft Visual Studio:

Windows dialog when framebuffer is not unlocked

For console programs, the error will look like this:

Console printout when framebuffer is not unlocked

Simulating hardware framebuffer with a different size than the display

Some setups may have a display size which is smaller than the actual hardware's framebuffer. This can also be handled by the simulater, and is configured in the file simulator/main.cpp right after the call to touchgfx_generic_init().

The width and height passed to touchgfx_generic_init() defines the size of the display and the framebuffer, but if the hardware framebuffer has a different size, simply call setFrameBufferSize() after calling touchgfx_generic_init() to specify the size of the actual framebuffer, e.g. as follows where SIM_WIDTH=800 and SIM_HEIGHT=480:

touchgfx::HAL& hal = touchgfx::touchgfx_generic_init<touchgfx::HALSDL2>(dma, lcd, tc, SIM_WIDTH, SIM_HEIGHT, 0, 0);
hal.setFrameBufferSize(832, 480); // Hardware framebuffer is wider

Simulating hardware with a different framerate

int CALLBACK WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
setupSimulator(argc, argv, hal);


setVsyncInterval( interval ) will change the interval between 2 frames, to find the right value we do 1000/YOUR_FRAME_RATE=interval

For 40fps=1000/40)=25ms

By default it's 60fps = (1000/60) ~16,66 ms