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PainterBWBitmap will take the color for a given point in the shape from a bitmap. Please be aware, the the bitmap is used by the CanvasWidgetRenderer (not Shape), so any rotation you might specify for a CanvasWidget (e.g. Shape) is not applied to the bitmap as CWR is not aware of this rotation.

See: AbstractPainter

Inherits from: AbstractPainterBW, AbstractPainter

Public Functions

PainterBWBitmap(const Bitmap & bmp =Bitmap(BITMAP_INVALID))
Initializes a new instance of the PainterBWBitmap class.
virtual voidrender(uint8_t ptr, int x, int xAdjust, int y, unsigned count, const uint8_t covers)
Paint a designated part of the RenderingBuffer with respect to the amount of coverage of each pixel given by the parameter covers.
voidsetBitmap(const Bitmap & bmp)
Sets a bitmap to be used when drawing the CanvasWidget.

Protected Functions

virtual boolrenderInit()
Initialize rendering of a single scan line of pixels for the render.
virtual boolrenderNext(uint8_t & color)
Get the color of the next pixel in the scan line to blend into the framebuffer.

Protected Attributes

The bitmap to be used when painting.
const uint8_t *bitmapBWPointer
Pointer to the bitmap (BW)
Bitmap rectangle translated to framebuffer coordinates.
Pointer to class for walking through bw_rle image.

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from AbstractPainterBW

Protected Attributes inherited from AbstractPainterBW

Current x coordinate relative to the widget.
Current y coordinate relative to the widget.

Public Functions inherited from AbstractPainter

Initializes a new instance of the AbstractPainter class.
virtual uint8_tgetAlpha() const
Gets the current alpha value of the widget.
virtual voidsetAlpha(uint8_t newAlpha)
Sets the opacity (alpha value).
voidsetOffset(uint16_t offsetX, uint16_t offsetY)
Sets the offset of the area being drawn.
virtual ~AbstractPainter()
Finalizes an instance of the AbstractPainter class.

Protected Functions inherited from AbstractPainter

voidsetWidgetAlpha(const uint8_t alpha)
Sets the widget alpha to allow an entire canvas widget to easily be faded without changing the painter of the widget.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION boolcompatibleFramebuffer(Bitmap::BitmapFormat format)
Helper function to check if the provided bitmap format matches the current framebuffer format.

Protected Attributes inherited from AbstractPainter

The offset x coordinate of the area being drawn.
The offset y coordinate of the area being drawn.
The alpha value for the painter.
The alpha of the widget using the painter.

Public Functions Documentation


PainterBWBitmap(const Bitmap &bmp =Bitmap(BITMAP_INVALID))

Initializes a new instance of the PainterBWBitmap class.

bmp(Optional) The bitmap, default is BITMAP_INVALID.


virtual void render(uint8_t *ptr ,
intx ,
intxAdjust ,
inty ,
unsignedcount ,
const uint8_t *covers

Paint a designated part of the RenderingBuffer with respect to the amount of coverage of each pixel given by the parameter covers.

The cover is the alpha for each pixel, which is what makes it possible to have smooth anti-aliased edges on the shapes drawn with CanvasWidgetRenderer.

ptrPointer to the row in the RenderingBuffer.
xThe x coordinate.
xAdjustThe minor adjustment of x (used when a pixel is smaller than a byte to specify that the ptr should have been advanced "xAdjust" pixels futher into the byte).
yThe y coordinate.
countNumber of pixels to fill.
coversThe coverage in of each pixel.

The implementation of render() in the AbstractPainter classes is a generic (i.e. slow) implementation that should be completely implemented in subclasses of AbstractPainter for better performance.

Reimplements: touchgfx::AbstractPainterBW::render


void setBitmap(const Bitmap &bmp)

Sets a bitmap to be used when drawing the CanvasWidget.

bmpThe bitmap.

Protected Functions Documentation


virtual bool renderInit()

Initialize rendering of a single scan line of pixels for the render.

If renderInit returns false, the scanline will not be rendered.


true if it succeeds, false if it fails.

Reimplements: touchgfx::AbstractPainterBW::renderInit


virtual bool renderNext(uint8_t &color)

Get the color of the next pixel in the scan line to blend into the framebuffer.

colorThe color (0 or 1).

true if the pixel should be painted, false otherwise.

Reimplements: touchgfx::AbstractPainterBW::renderNext

Protected Attributes Documentation


Bitmap bitmap

The bitmap to be used when painting.


const uint8_t * bitmapBWPointer

Pointer to the bitmap (BW)


Rect bitmapRectToFrameBuffer

Bitmap rectangle translated to framebuffer coordinates.


LCD1bpp::bwRLEdata bw_rle

Pointer to class for walking through bw_rle image.