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The TextProvider is used in drawing basic strings and strings with one or two wildcards. The TextProvider enables wildcard expansion of the string at the time it is written to the LCD.

Wildcards specified as <placeholder> are converted to Unicode value 2 by the text converter tool, and the placeholders are automatically expanded with the specified wildcard buffers at runtime.

Public Functions

Tells if the end of the string has been reached.
Gets the next character.
Unicode::UnicodeChargetNextLigature(TextDirection direction)
Gets the next ligature.
Unicode::UnicodeChargetNextLigature(TextDirection direction, const Font font, const GlyphNode & glyph)
Gets the next ligature.
Unicode::UnicodeChargetNextLigature(TextDirection direction, const Font font, const GlyphNode & glyph, const uint8_t *& pixelData, uint8_t & bitsPerPixel)
Gets the next ligature.
voidinitialize(const Unicode::UnicodeChar stringFormat, const uint16_t gsubTable =0, ... )
Initializes the TextProvider.
voidinitialize(const Unicode::UnicodeChar stringFormat, va_list pArg, const uint16_t gsubTable =0)
Initializes the TextProvider.
Initializes a new instance of the TextProvider class.

Public Attributes

const uint32_tMAX_32BIT_INTEGER_DIGITS
Max number of digits used for the text representation of a 32 bit integer.

Public Functions Documentation


bool endOfString()

Tells if the end of the string has been reached.


True if the end of the string has been reached, false if not.

See also:


Unicode::UnicodeChar getNextChar()

Gets the next character.

For Arabic and Thai, it is important to use the getNextLigature instead.


The next character of the expanded string or 0 if end of string is reached.

See also:


Unicode::UnicodeChar getNextLigature(TextDirectiondirection)

Gets the next ligature.

For most languages this is simply the next Unicode character from the buffer, but e.g. Arabic has different ligatures for each character. Thai character placement might also depend on previous characters. It is recommended to use getNextLigature with font and glyph parameters to ensure coming glyphs in a text are placed correctly.

directionThe direction.

The next character of the expanded string or 0 if end of string is reached.


Functions getNextLigature() and getNextChar() will advance through the same buffer and mixing the use of those functions is not recommended and may cause undesired results. Instead create two TextProviders and user getNextChar() on one and getNextLigature() on the other.

See also:


Unicode::UnicodeChar getNextLigature(TextDirectiondirection ,
const Font *font ,
const GlyphNode *&glyph

Gets the next ligature.

For most languages this is simply the next Unicode character from the buffer, but e.g. Arabic has different ligatures for each character.

Also gets a glyph for the ligature in a font. For non-Thai Unicodes, this is identical to using Font::getGlyph(), but for Thai characters where diacritics glyphs are not always placed at the same relative position, an adjusted GlyphNode will be generated with correct relative X/Y coordinates.

directionThe direction.
fontThe font.
glyphThe glyph.

The next character of the expanded string or 0 if end of string i reached.


Functions getNextLigature() and getNextChar() will advance through the same buffer and mixing the use of those functions is not recommended and may cause undesired results. Instead create two TextProviders and user getNextChar() on one and getNextLigature() on the other.

See also:


Unicode::UnicodeChar getNextLigature(TextDirectiondirection ,
const Font *font ,
const GlyphNode *&glyph ,
const uint8_t *&pixelData ,
uint8_t &bitsPerPixel

Gets the next ligature.

For most languages this is simply the next Unicode character from the buffer, but e.g. Arabic has different ligatures for each character.

Also gets a glyph for the ligature in a font. For non-Thai Unicodes, this is identical to using Font::getGlyph(), but for Thai characters where diacritics glyphs are not always placed at the same relative position, an adjusted GlyphNode will be generated with correct relative X/Y coordinates.

Furthermore a pointer to the glyph data and the bit depth of the font are returned in parameters.

directionThe direction.
fontThe font.
glyphThe glyph.
pixelDataInformation describing the pixel.
bitsPerPixelThe bits per pixel.

The next character of the expanded string or 0 if end of string is reached.


Functions getNextLigature() and getNextChar() will advance through the same buffer and mixing the use of those functions is not recommended and may cause undesired results. Instead create two TextProviders and user getNextChar() on one and getNextLigature() on the other.

See also:


void initialize(const Unicode::UnicodeChar *stringFormat ,
const uint16_t *gsubTable =0,

Initializes the TextProvider.

Each '\2' character in the format is replaced by one UnicodeChar* argument from pArg.

stringFormatThe string to format.
gsubTable(Optional) Pointer to GSUB table with Unicode substitution rules.
...Variable arguments providing additional information.


void initialize(const Unicode::UnicodeChar *stringFormat ,
va_listpArg ,
const uint16_t *gsubTable =0

Initializes the TextProvider.

Each '\2' character in the format is replaced by one UnicodeChar* argument from pArg.

stringFormatThe string to format.
pArgFormat arguments in the form of a va_list.
gsubTable(Optional) Pointer to GSUB table with Unicode substitution rules.


Initializes a new instance of the TextProvider class.


The user must call initialize() before characters can be provided.

Public Attributes Documentation


const uint32_t MAX_32BIT_INTEGER_DIGITS = 33U

Max number of digits used for the text representation of a 32 bit integer.