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The font base class. This class is abstract and requires the implementation of getGlyph. It provides utility functions such as obtaining string width and font height.

Inherited by: ConstFont

Public Functions

virtual FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint8_tgetBitsPerPixel() const
Gets bits per pixel for this font.
virtual FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint8_tgetByteAlignRow() const
Are the glyphs saved with each glyph row byte aligned?
virtual uint16_tgetCharWidth(const Unicode::UnicodeChar c) const
Gets the width in pixels of the specified character.
virtual Unicode::UnicodeChargetEllipsisChar() const
Gets ellipsis character for the given font.
virtual Unicode::UnicodeChargetFallbackChar() const
Gets fallback character for the given font.
virtual FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint16_tgetFontHeight() const
Returns the height in pixels of this font.
virtual const GlyphNode *getGlyph(Unicode::UnicodeChar unicode) const
Gets the glyph data associated with the specified Unicode.
virtual const GlyphNode *getGlyph(Unicode::UnicodeChar unicode, const uint8_t *& pixelData, uint8_t & bitsPerPixel) const =0
Gets the glyph data associated with the specified Unicode.
virtual const uint16_t *getGSUBTable() const
Gets GSUB table.
virtual int8_tgetKerning(Unicode::UnicodeChar prevChar, const GlyphNode * glyph) const
Gets the kerning distance between two characters.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint8_tgetMaxPixelsLeft() const
Gets maximum pixels left of any glyph in the font.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint8_tgetMaxPixelsRight() const
Gets maximum pixels right of any glyph in the font.
virtual uint16_tgetMaxTextHeight(const Unicode::UnicodeChar * text, ... ) const
Gets the height of the highest character in a given string.
virtual FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint16_tgetMinimumTextHeight() const
Returns the minimum height needed for a text field that uses this font.
virtual uint16_tgetNumberOfLines(const Unicode::UnicodeChar * text, ... ) const
Count the number of lines in a given text.
virtual uint8_tgetSpacingAbove(const Unicode::UnicodeChar * text, ... ) const
Gets the number of blank pixels at the top of the given text.
virtual uint16_tgetStringWidth(const Unicode::UnicodeChar * text, ... ) const
Gets the width in pixels of the specified string.
virtual uint16_tgetStringWidth(TextDirection textDirection, const Unicode::UnicodeChar * text, ... ) const
Gets the width in pixels of the specified string.
virtual ~Font()
Finalizes an instance of the Font class.
FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION boolisInvisibleZeroWidth(Unicode::UnicodeChar character)
Query if 'character' is invisible, zero width.

Protected Functions

Font(uint16_t height, uint8_t pixBelowBase, uint8_t bitsPerPixel, uint8_t byteAlignRow, uint8_t maxLeft, uint8_t maxRight, const Unicode::UnicodeChar fallbackChar, const Unicode::UnicodeChar ellipsisChar)
Initializes a new instance of the Font class.
uint16_tgetStringWidthLTR(TextDirection textDirection, const Unicode::UnicodeChar * text, va_list pArg) const
Gets the width in pixels of the specified string.
uint16_tgetStringWidthRTL(TextDirection textDirection, const Unicode::UnicodeChar * text, va_list pArg) const
Gets the width in pixels of the specified string.

Protected Attributes

The glyphs are saved with each row byte aligned.
The number of bits per pixel.
The ellipsis character used for truncating long texts.
The fallback character to use when no glyph exists for the wanted character.
The font height in pixels.
The maximum number of pixels a glyph extends to the left.
The maximum number of pixels a glyph extends to the right.
The number of pixels below the base line.

Public Functions Documentation


virtual FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint8_t getBitsPerPixel()const

Gets bits per pixel for this font.


The number of bits used per pixel in this font.


virtual FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint8_t getByteAlignRow()const

Are the glyphs saved with each glyph row byte aligned?


True if each glyph row is stored byte aligned, false otherwise.


virtual uint16_t getCharWidth(const Unicode::UnicodeCharc)

Gets the width in pixels of the specified character.

cThe Unicode character.

The width in pixels of the specified character.


virtual Unicode::UnicodeChar getEllipsisChar()const

Gets ellipsis character for the given font.

This is the character which is used when truncating long lines.


The ellipsis character for the typography.

See also:


virtual Unicode::UnicodeChar getFallbackChar()const

Gets fallback character for the given font.

The fallback character is the character used when no glyph is available for some character. If 0 (zero) is returned, there is no default character.


The default character for the typography in case no glyph is available.


virtual FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint16_t getFontHeight()const

Returns the height in pixels of this font.

The returned value corresponds to the maximum height occupied by a character in the font.


The height in pixels of this font.


It is not sufficient to allocate text areas with this height. Use getMinimumTextHeight for this.


virtual const GlyphNode * getGlyph(Unicode::UnicodeCharunicode)

Gets the glyph data associated with the specified Unicode.

Please note that in case of Thai letters and Arabic letters where diacritics can be placed relative to the previous character(s), please use TextProvider::getNextLigature() instead as it will create a temporary GlyphNode that will be adjusted with respect to X/Y position.

unicodeThe character to look up.

A pointer to the glyph node or null if the glyph was not found.

See also:


virtual const GlyphNode * getGlyph(Unicode::UnicodeCharunicode ,const =0
const uint8_t *&pixelData ,const =0
uint8_t &bitsPerPixelconst =0
)const =0

Gets the glyph data associated with the specified Unicode.

Please note that in case of Thai letters and Arabic letters where diacritics can be placed relative to the previous character(s), please use TextProvider::getNextLigature() instead as it will create a temporary GlyphNode that will be adjusted with respect to X/Y position.

unicodeThe character to look up.
pixelDataPointer to the pixel data for the glyph if the glyph is found. This is set by this method.
bitsPerPixelReference where to place the number of bits per pixel.

A pointer to the glyph node or null if the glyph was not found.

Reimplemented by: touchgfx::ConstFont::getGlyph


virtual const uint16_t * getGSUBTable()const

Gets GSUB table.

Currently only used for Devanagari fonts.


The GSUB table or null if font has GSUB no table.


virtual int8_t getKerning(Unicode::UnicodeCharprevChar ,const
const GlyphNode *glyphconst

Gets the kerning distance between two characters.

prevCharThe Unicode value of the previous character.
glyphthe glyph object for the current character.

The kerning distance between prevChar and glyph char.

Reimplemented by: touchgfx::InternalFlashFont::getKerning, touchgfx::ConstFont::getKerning


FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint8_t getMaxPixelsLeft()const

Gets maximum pixels left of any glyph in the font.

This is the max value of "left" for all glyphs. The value is negated so if a "g" has left=-6 maxPixelsLeft is 6. This value is calculated by the font converter.


The maximum pixels left.


FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint8_t getMaxPixelsRight()const

Gets maximum pixels right of any glyph in the font.

This is the max value of "width+left-advance" for all glyphs. The is the number of pixels a glyph reaches to the right of its normal area. This value is calculated by the font converter.


The maximum pixels right.


virtual uint16_t getMaxTextHeight(const Unicode::UnicodeChar *text ,const

Gets the height of the highest character in a given string.

The height includes the spacing above the text which is included in the font.

textA null-terminated Unicode string.
...Variable arguments providing additional information inserted at wildcard placeholders.

The height if the given text.


virtual FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION uint16_t getMinimumTextHeight()const

Returns the minimum height needed for a text field that uses this font.

Takes into account that certain characters (eg 'g') have pixels below the baseline, thus making the text height larger than the font height.


The minimum height needed for a text field that uses this font.


virtual uint16_t getNumberOfLines(const Unicode::UnicodeChar *text ,const

Count the number of lines in a given text.

textThe text.
...Variable arguments providing additional information.

The number of lines.


virtual uint8_t getSpacingAbove(const Unicode::UnicodeChar *text ,const

Gets the number of blank pixels at the top of the given text.

textA null-terminated Unicode string.
...Variable arguments providing additional information inserted at wildcard placeholders.

The number of blank pixels above the text.


virtual uint16_t getStringWidth(const Unicode::UnicodeChar *text ,const

Gets the width in pixels of the specified string.

If the string contains multiple lines, the width of the widest line is found. Please note that the correct number of arguments must be given if the text contains wildcards.

It is recommended to use the getStringWidth() implementation with the TextDirection parameter to ensure correct calculation of the width. Kerning could result in different results depending on the TextDirection. This method assumes TextDirection to be TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR.

textA null-terminated Unicode string with arguments to insert if the text contains wildcards.
...Variable arguments providing additional information inserted at wildcard placeholders.

The width in pixels of the longest line of the specified string.


virtual uint16_t getStringWidth(TextDirectiontextDirection ,const
const Unicode::UnicodeChar *text ,const

Gets the width in pixels of the specified string.

If the string contains multiple lines, the width of the widest line is found. Please note that the correct number of arguments must be given if the text contains wildcards.

The TextDirection should be set correctly for the text supplied. For example the string "10 20 30" will be calculated differently depending on the TextDirection. If TextDirection is TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR the width is calculated as the with of "10 20 30" (with kerning between all characters) but for TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL it is calculated as "10"+" "+"20"+" "+"30" (with kerning only between characters in the substrings and not between substrings). For most fonts there might not be a difference between the two calculations, but some fonts might cause slightly different results.

textDirectionThe text direction.
textA null-terminated Unicode string with arguments to insert if the text contains wildcards.
...Variable arguments providing additional information inserted at wildcard placeholders.

The width in pixels of the longest line of the specified string.


virtual ~Font()

Finalizes an instance of the Font class.


static FORCE_INLINE_FUNCTION bool isInvisibleZeroWidth(Unicode::UnicodeCharcharacter)

Query if 'character' is invisible, zero width.

characterThe character.

True if invisible, zero width, false if not.

Protected Functions Documentation


Font(uint16_theight ,
uint8_tpixBelowBase ,
uint8_tbitsPerPixel ,
uint8_tbyteAlignRow ,
uint8_tmaxLeft ,
uint8_tmaxRight ,
const Unicode::UnicodeCharfallbackChar ,
const Unicode::UnicodeCharellipsisChar

Initializes a new instance of the Font class.

The protected constructor of a Font.

heightThe font height in pixels.
pixBelowBaseThe number of pixels below the base line.
bitsPerPixelThe number of bits per pixel.
byteAlignRowThe glyphs are saved with each row byte aligned.
maxLeftThe maximum left extend for a glyph in the font.
maxRightThe maximum right extend for a glyph in the font.
fallbackCharThe fallback character for the typography in case no glyph is available.
ellipsisCharThe ellipsis character used for truncating long texts.


uint16_t getStringWidthLTR(TextDirectiontextDirection ,const
const Unicode::UnicodeChar *text ,const

Gets the width in pixels of the specified string.

If the string contains multiple lines, the width of the widest line is found. Please note that the correct number of arguments must be given if the text contains wildcards.

textDirectionThe text direction.
textA null-terminated Unicode string with arguments to insert if the text contains wildcards.
pArgVariable arguments providing additional information inserted at wildcard placeholders.

The width in pixels of the longest line of the specified string.


The string is assumed to be purely left-to-right.


uint16_t getStringWidthRTL(TextDirectiontextDirection ,const
const Unicode::UnicodeChar *text ,const

Gets the width in pixels of the specified string.

If the string contains multiple lines, the width of the widest line is found. Please note that the correct number of arguments must be given if the text contains wildcards.

The string is handled as a right-to-left string and subdivided into smaller text strings to correctly handle mixing of left-to-right and right-to-left strings.

textDirectionThe text direction.
textA null-terminated Unicode string with arguments to insert if the text contains wildcards.
pArgVariable arguments providing additional information inserted at wildcard placeholders.

The string width RTL.

Protected Attributes Documentation


uint8_t bAlignRow

The glyphs are saved with each row byte aligned.


uint8_t bPerPixel

The number of bits per pixel.


Unicode::UnicodeChar ellipsisCharacter

The ellipsis character used for truncating long texts.


Unicode::UnicodeChar fallbackCharacter

The fallback character to use when no glyph exists for the wanted character.


uint16_t fontHeight

The font height in pixels.


uint8_t maxPixelsLeft

The maximum number of pixels a glyph extends to the left.


uint8_t maxPixelsRight

The maximum number of pixels a glyph extends to the right.


uint8_t pixelsBelowBaseline

The number of pixels below the base line.