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A circle progress indicator uses CanvasWidgetRenderer for drawing the arc of a Circle to show progress. This means that the user must create a painter for painting the circle. The circle progress is defined by setting the minimum and maximum angle of the arc.

Note: As CircleProgress uses CanvasWidgetRenderer, it is important that a buffer is set up by calling CanvasWidgetRendere::setBuffer().

Inherits from: AbstractProgressIndicator, Container, Drawable

Public Functions

virtual uint8_tgetAlpha() const
Gets the current alpha value of the widget.
virtual intgetCapPrecision() const
Gets the cap precision.
virtual voidgetCenter(int & x, int & y) const
Gets the circle center coordinates.
virtual intgetEndAngle() const
Gets end angle.
virtual intgetLineWidth() const
Gets line width.
virtual intgetRadius() const
Gets the radius of the circle.
virtual intgetStartAngle() const
Gets start angle.
virtual voidsetAlpha(uint8_t newAlpha)
Sets the opacity (alpha value).
virtual voidsetCapPrecision(int precision)
Sets the cap precision of end of the circle arc.
virtual voidsetCenter(int x, int y)
Sets the center of the circle / arc.
virtual voidsetLineWidth(int width)
Sets line width of the circle.
virtual voidsetPainter(AbstractPainter & painter)
Sets the painter to use for drawing the circle progress.
virtual voidsetProgressIndicatorPosition(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width, int16_t height)
Sets the position and dimensions of the actual progress indicator relative to the background image.
virtual voidsetRadius(int r)
Sets the radius of the circle.
virtual voidsetStartEndAngle(int startAngle, int endAngle)
Sets start and end angle.
virtual voidsetValue(int value)
Sets the current value in the range (min..max) set by setRange().

Protected Attributes

The circle.
The end angle.

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from AbstractProgressIndicator

Initializes a new instance of the AbstractProgressIndicator class with a default range 0-100.
virtual uint16_tgetProgress(uint16_t range =100) const
Gets the current progress based on the range set by setRange() and the value set by setValue().
virtual int16_tgetProgressIndicatorHeight() const
Gets progress indicator height.
virtual int16_tgetProgressIndicatorWidth() const
Gets progress indicator width.
virtual int16_tgetProgressIndicatorX() const
Gets progress indicator x coordinate.
virtual int16_tgetProgressIndicatorY() const
Gets progress indicator y coordinate.
virtual voidgetRange(int & min, int & max) const
Gets the range set by setRange().
virtual voidgetRange(int & min, int & max, uint16_t & steps) const
Gets the range set by setRange().
virtual voidgetRange(int & min, int & max, uint16_t & steps, uint16_t & minStep) const
Gets the range set by setRange().
virtual intgetValue() const
Gets the current value set by setValue().
virtual voidhandleTickEvent()
Called periodically by the framework if the Drawable instance has subscribed to timer ticks.
virtual voidsetBackground(const Bitmap & bitmapBackground)
Sets the background image.
virtual voidsetEasingEquation(EasingEquation easingEquation)
Sets easing equation to be used in updateValue.
virtual voidsetRange(int min, int max, uint16_t steps =0, uint16_t minStep =0)
Sets the range for the progress indicator.
voidsetValueSetAction(GenericCallback< const AbstractProgressIndicator & > & callback)
Sets callback that will be triggered every time a new value is assigned to the progress indicator.
voidsetValueUpdatedAction(GenericCallback< const AbstractProgressIndicator & > & callback)
Sets callback that will be triggered when updateValue has finished animating to the final value.
virtual voidupdateValue(int value, uint16_t duration)
Update the current value in the range (min..max) set by setRange().

Protected Attributes inherited from AbstractProgressIndicator

Duration of the animation.
The animation end value.
The animation start value.
The current animation step.
The background image.
The current value.
The equation used in updateValue()
The container that holds the actual progress indicator.
The range maximum.
The range minimum.
The range steps.
The range steps minimum.
GenericCallback< const AbstractProgressIndicator & > *valueSetCallback
New value assigned Callback.
GenericCallback< const AbstractProgressIndicator & > *valueUpdatedCallback
Animation ended Callback.

Public Functions inherited from Container

virtual voidadd(Drawable & d)
Adds a Drawable instance as child to this Container.
virtual boolcontains(const Drawable & d)
Query if a given Drawable has been added directly to this Container.
virtual voiddraw(const Rect & invalidatedArea) const
Draw this drawable.
virtual voidforEachChild(GenericCallback< Drawable & > * function)
Executes the specified callback function for each child in the Container.
virtual Drawable *getFirstChild()
Obtain a pointer to the first child of this container.
virtual voidgetLastChild(int16_t x, int16_t y, Drawable ** last)
Gets the last child in the list of children in this Container.
virtual RectgetSolidRect() const
Get (the largest possible) rectangle that is guaranteed to be solid (opaque).
virtual voidinsert(Drawable * previous, Drawable & d)
Inserts a Drawable after a specific child node.
virtual voidremove(Drawable & d)
Removes a Drawable from the container by removing it from the linked list of children.
virtual voidremoveAll()
Removes all children in the Container by resetting their parent and sibling pointers.
virtual voidunlink()
Removes all children by unlinking the first child.

Protected Functions inherited from Container

virtual RectgetContainedArea() const
Gets a rectangle describing the total area covered by the children of this container.
virtual voidmoveChildrenRelative(int16_t deltaX, int16_t deltaY)
Calls moveRelative on all children.

Protected Attributes inherited from Container

Drawable *firstChild
Pointer to the first child of this container. Subsequent children can be found through firstChild's nextSibling.

Public Functions inherited from Drawable

virtual voidchildGeometryChanged()
This function can be called on parent nodes to signal that the size or position of one or more of its children has changed.
virtual voiddraw(const Rect & invalidatedArea) const =0
Draw this drawable.
Initializes a new instance of the Drawable class.
voiddrawToDynamicBitmap(BitmapId id)
Render the Drawable object into a dynamic bitmap.
RectgetAbsoluteRect() const
Helper function for obtaining the rectangle this Drawable covers, expressed in absolute coordinates.
virtual Drawable *getFirstChild()
Function for obtaining the first child of this drawable if any.
int16_tgetHeight() const
Gets the height of this Drawable.
virtual voidgetLastChild(int16_t x, int16_t y, Drawable ** last) =0
Function for obtaining the the last child of this drawable that intersects with the specified point.
Drawable *getNextSibling()
Gets the next sibling node.
Drawable *getParent() const
Returns the parent node.
const Rect &getRect() const
Gets the rectangle this Drawable covers, in coordinates relative to its parent.
virtual RectgetSolidRect() const =0
Get (the largest possible) rectangle that is guaranteed to be solid (opaque).
virtual RectgetSolidRectAbsolute()
Helper function for obtaining the largest solid rect (as implemented by getSolidRect()) expressed in absolute coordinates.
virtual voidgetVisibleRect(Rect & rect) const
Function for finding the visible part of this drawable.
int16_tgetWidth() const
Gets the width of this Drawable.
int16_tgetX() const
Gets the x coordinate of this Drawable, relative to its parent.
int16_tgetY() const
Gets the y coordinate of this Drawable, relative to its parent.
virtual voidhandleClickEvent(const ClickEvent & evt)
Defines the event handler interface for ClickEvents.
virtual voidhandleDragEvent(const DragEvent & evt)
Defines the event handler interface for DragEvents.
virtual voidhandleGestureEvent(const GestureEvent & evt)
Defines the event handler interface for GestureEvents.
virtual voidhandleTickEvent()
Called periodically by the framework if the Drawable instance has subscribed to timer ticks.
virtual voidinvalidate() const
Tell the framework that this entire Drawable needs to be redrawn.
virtual voidinvalidateRect(Rect & invalidatedArea) const
Request that a region of this drawable is redrawn.
boolisTouchable() const
Gets whether this Drawable receives touch events or not.
boolisVisible() const
Gets whether this Drawable is visible.
virtual voidmoveRelative(int16_t x, int16_t y)
Moves the drawable.
virtual voidmoveTo(int16_t x, int16_t y)
Moves the drawable.
virtual voidsetHeight(int16_t height)
Sets the height of this drawable.
voidsetPosition(const Drawable & drawable)
Sets the position of the Drawable to the same as the given Drawable.
voidsetPosition(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width, int16_t height)
Sets the size and position of this Drawable, relative to its parent.
voidsetTouchable(bool touch)
Controls whether this Drawable receives touch events or not.
voidsetVisible(bool vis)
Controls whether this Drawable should be visible.
virtual voidsetWidth(int16_t width)
Sets the width of this drawable.
voidsetWidthHeight(const Bitmap & bitmap)
Sets the dimensions (width and height) of the Drawable without changing the x and y coordinates).
voidsetWidthHeight(const Drawable & drawable)
Sets the dimensions (width and height) of the Drawable without changing the x and y coordinates).
voidsetWidthHeight(const Rect & rect)
Sets the dimensions (width and height) of the Drawable without changing the x and y coordinates).
voidsetWidthHeight(int16_t width, int16_t height)
Sets the dimensions (width and height) of the Drawable without changing the x and y coordinates).
virtual voidsetX(int16_t x)
Sets the x coordinate of this Drawable, relative to its parent.
voidsetXY(const Drawable & drawable)
Sets the x and y coordinates of this Drawable.
voidsetXY(int16_t x, int16_t y)
Sets the x and y coordinates of this Drawable, relative to its parent.
virtual voidsetY(int16_t y)
Sets the y coordinate of this Drawable, relative to its parent.
virtual voidtranslateRectToAbsolute(Rect & r) const
Helper function for converting a region of this Drawable to absolute coordinates.
virtual ~Drawable()
Finalizes an instance of the Drawable class.

Protected Attributes inherited from Drawable

Drawable *nextSibling
Pointer to the next Drawable.
Drawable *parent
Pointer to this drawable's parent.
The coordinates of this Drawable, relative to its parent.
True if this drawable should receive touch events.
True if this drawable should be drawn.

Public Functions Documentation



virtual uint8_t getAlpha()const

Gets the current alpha value of the widget.

The alpha value is in range 255 (solid) to 0 (invisible).


The current alpha value.

See also:


virtual int getCapPrecision()const

Gets the cap precision.


The cap precision.

See also:


virtual void getCenter(int &x ,const
int &yconst

Gets the circle center coordinates.

xThe x coordinate of the center of the circle.
yThe y coordinate of the center of the circle.


virtual int getEndAngle()const

Gets end angle.

Beware that the value returned is not related to the current progress of the circle but rather the end point of the circle when it is at 100%.


The end angle.

See also:


virtual int getLineWidth()const

Gets line width.


The line width.

See also:


virtual int getRadius()const

Gets the radius of the circle.


The radius.


virtual int getStartAngle()const

Gets start angle.


The start angle.

See also:


virtual void setAlpha(uint8_tnewAlpha)

Sets the opacity (alpha value).

This can be used to fade it away by gradually decreasing the alpha value from 255 (solid) to 0 (invisible).

newAlphaThe new alpha value. 255=solid, 0=invisible.

The user code must call invalidate() in order to update the display.The alpha can also be set on the Painter, but this can be controlled directly from the user app, setting alpha for the CircleProgress will set the alpha of the actual circle.

See also:


virtual void setCapPrecision(intprecision)

Sets the cap precision of end of the circle arc.

This is not used if line width is zero.

precisionThe cap precision.
See also:


virtual void setCenter(intx ,

Sets the center of the circle / arc.

xThe x coordinate of the center of the circle.
yThe y coordinate of the center of the circle.


virtual void setLineWidth(intwidth)

Sets line width of the circle.

If a line width of zero is specified, it has a special meaning of drawing a filled circle (with the set radius) instead of just the circle arc.

widthThe width of the line (0 produces a filled circle with the given radius).
See also:


virtual void setPainter(AbstractPainter &painter)

Sets the painter to use for drawing the circle progress.

painterThe painter.
See also:


virtual void setProgressIndicatorPosition(int16_tx ,
int16_ty ,
int16_twidth ,

Sets the position and dimensions of the actual progress indicator relative to the background image.

xThe x coordinate.
yThe y coordinate.
widthThe width of the box progress indicator.
heightThe height of the box progress indicator.
See also:

Reimplements: touchgfx::AbstractProgressIndicator::setProgressIndicatorPosition


virtual void setRadius(intr)

Sets the radius of the circle.

rThe radius.
See also:


virtual void setStartEndAngle(intstartAngle ,

Sets start and end angle.

By swapping end and start angles, circles can progress backwards.

startAngleThe start angle.
endAngleThe end angle.


virtual void setValue(intvalue)

Sets the current value in the range (min..max) set by setRange().

Values lower than min are mapped to min, values higher than max are mapped to max. If a callback function has been set using setValueSetAction, that callback will be called (unless the new value is the same as the current value).

valueThe value.

if value is equal to the current value, nothing happens, and the callback will not be called.

See also:

Reimplements: touchgfx::AbstractProgressIndicator::setValue

Protected Attributes Documentation


Circle circle

The circle.


int circleEndAngle

The end angle.