📄️ Container
A Container is a component in TouchGFX that can contain child nodes.
📄️ Scrollable Container
A Scrollable Container is a Container that allows its content to be scrolled both vertically and horizontally.
📄️ Swipe Container
A Swipe Container in TouchGFX is a specialization of the Container that consists of multiple pages, which can be accessed by swiping between them. The pages in the Swipe Container can contain other widgets, similar to the Container.
📄️ List Layout
The List Layout widget is a Container which automatically arranges its children in a list in a given direction. Adding and removing widgets from the List Layout rearranges the children.
📄️ Modal Window
The Modal Window is a Container type widget that displays a window and blocks touch events to the underlying view and widgets. The Modal Window consists of a background Image and a Box that acts as a shade over the underlying view and widgets with adjustable alpha. The Modal Window will fill up the entire screen and should always be added as the last element such that it is always on top of all other elements.
📄️ Scroll List
The Scroll List is a scrollable menu consisting of a number of items and a number of widgets, which are dynamically updated as they are scrolled into view. The Scroll List is also able to invoke callbacks when interacting with the items in the Scroll List.
📄️ Scroll Wheel
The Scroll Wheel is a scrollable menu containing multiple items, which are dynamically updated when scrolling through the items in the wheel, and the item which is selected is moved into focus. Enabling the code to react to interactions with the Scroll Wheel, different callbacks can be invoked based on the interaction with the items in the wheel.
📄️ Slide Menu
A Slide Menu in TouchGFX is a specialization of the Container that consists of an internal Container, an Image and an optional Button, which can animate between a collapsed and expanded state.