📄️ 使能TouchGFX Generator
After having installed TouchGFX Generator in STM32CubeMX, it can be enabled in your project. Users have access to added functionality from X-CUBE's packs by pressing the "Select Components" button, or by using the shortcut Alt + o按钮 in the project menu of STM32CubeMX.
🗃️ Touchgfx AL配置
📄️ 生成代码
This section describes what the TouchGFX Generator outputs when generating code in STM32CubeMX.
📄️ 修改生成行为
📄️ TouchGFX Designer项目
TouchGFX Generator generates the .part inside the TouchGFX folder which can be opened with TouchGFX Designer in order to create a full TouchGFX project completed with TouchGFX header files and libraries. The .part file contains relevant application information such as pixel format, and canvas dimensions that the TouchGFX Designer uses when generating TouchGFX application code.
📄️ 升级项目
TouchGFX Generator参数存储在.ioc文件中(STM32CubeMX工程)。 When a new version of TouchGFX Generator is released, the parameters of the old version may be incompatible with the new version and may require migration. 本节介绍在STM32CubeMX中成功迁移和更新项目所需的步骤。