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Creating an TouchGFX Board Setup

TouchGFX Board Setups (TBSs) are .tpa files that define the platform on which a TouchGFX application runs. This approach is for developers who wish to be able to distribute easy-to-use TBSs separately from the UI code that runs on top of them. This article describes how an existing TouchGFX project can be packaged into a redistributable TBS using the built-in tool tgfx.exe. For the duration of this article examples are based on an application called "MyApplication".

Once you have a fully functional TouchGFX project the following steps are required to create an TBS.

  • Describe TouchGFX Board Setup Call tgfx.exe and edit json file (inherits from .touchgfx)
  • Create TouchGFX Board Setup Call tgfx.exe to finalize .tpa
  • Test & Verify Import into designer, create- and verify application

Describe TouchGFX Board Setup

The tgfx.exe tool generates a configuration file (.json) that describes the internals of the TBS. This information is read by TouchGFX Designer and presented to the user. Open a TouchGFX Environment console and execute the following command in the parent directory of the application:

$ /d/TouchGFX/4.13.0/designer/tgfx.exe pack -d MyApplication

Prepare files for .tpa

The following files are created in the directory where the command was run:

List of generated files

Before creating the final .tpa file, edit MyApplication.json to control how the TBS is displayed to users in TouchGFX Designer. Users should edit the following sections:

  • Author Use the fields in the Author section to specify name of author, contact email and a URL.
  • Data Use the fields in the Data section to specify TBS version, images, board name, vendor, description, and link to further information.
"Author": [
"Name": "Chad Brody",
"Contact": "",
"URL": ""
"Data": {
"Version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 0,
"Build": 0
"Name": "MyApplication",
"HumanFriendlyName": "MyApplication",
"BoardName": "Custom STM32 Board",
"Type": "TGAT",
"Vendor": "MyCompany",
"Description": "This is a working project on which to base your UI on top of.",
"DocumentationLink": "",
"Category": "",
"Images": [
Be sure to set the 'Type' attribute to TGAT. Otherwise the TBS won't show up in TouchGFX Designer!
TouchGFX Designer is able to display up to three images (Image references must be URLs) from this list when displaying the extended information card for an TBS. The optimal resolution for the images is 400x280 pixels.

Create TouchGFX Board Setup

Execute the following command to create the final ´.tpa´ file and finalize the TouchGFX Board Setup.

$ /d/TouchGFX/4.13.0/designer/tgfx.exe pack -rc -d MyApplication

Create TouchGFX Board Setup

Test & Verify

To verify that the .tpa file can be seen by TouchGFX Designer as an TBS and used to create new applications, perform the following steps:

  1. Rename the .tpa file to your requirements.
  2. Copy or move the .tpa file to C:\TouchGFX\4.13.0\app\packages. This allows users to import TBSs into TouchGFX Designer from a local folder.

Install TBS to local folder

  1. Open the Designer and select the TBS under the By Partners tab.

Information about the TBS

Final Notes

The following section contains tips about what to consider when developing code for/distributing TBSs.

General Tips

Generally, before distributing the .tpa one should:

  1. Ensure that all supplied IDE projects work as expected.
  2. Delete build- and generated folders to reduce the size of the TBS.
  3. Ensure that custom commands (PostGenerate-, etc.) defined in the TouchGFX project file .touchgfx work as expected.
  4. Ensure that the TBS can be read by TouchGFX Designer and used to create a new application.
  5. There is no immediate way to specify an upgrade procedure between versions of TBSs.
Be sure to re-pack the application template after modifying the content of either the TouchGFX Project or the `.json` file.

After distributing the .tpa one should instruct users to copy the .tpa file into C:\TouchGFX\4.13.0\app\packages and restart the designer, if open.

Version Control

Usually, developers will keep an entire development project (Board bringup, TouchGFX AL, TouchGFX UI) in the same repository which eliminates the need for distributable .tpa files. However, for team members to be able to start a new TouchGFX application, unified platform code is powerful when it comes to test and verification.

For those that do distribute .tpa files and/or use tools like repo, git submodules to modularize their codebase it is wise to let the version of the TBS-component follow the version specified in the .json descriptor mentioned previously in this article. If using a modularized approach, the platform code could still be used to create a distributable .tpa file while also being used as a module in a main project struture.

  "Data": {
"Version": {
"Major": 3,
"Minor": 0,
"Build": 0
$ git tag