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Offline Documentation

Progressive Web App (PWA)

The documentation can be installed as a Progressive Web App. This means that PC browsers such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge provide the option to install the documentation locally in such a way that it is available both when offline and online.

How to install the TouchGFX Documentation PWA

The following images show where the PWA install button can be found in both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

In Google Chrome the install button is located on the right hand side in the URL bar

In Microsoft Edge the install button is located on the right hand side in the URL bar

When the PWA is installed, open it and navigate to another page in the left side bar (for example "What is TouchGFX?"). This is important to trigger the offline caching such that it will be available without an internet connection due to a bug in the system.

Offline PDF

The documentation can also be downloaded as a PDF. The content of this PDF may not fully reflect the same experience as in the browser.

The offline PDF version of the documentation can be found here.