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TouchGFX Documentation

Welcome to the official documentation of TouchGFX!

If you are new to this documentation and/or TouchGFX, we recommend that you read on to get an overview of what this documentation has to offer. The table of contents in the sidebar should let you easily access the documentation for your topic of interest. You can also use the search function in the top right corner.

About this documentation

The main documentation for the site is organized into the following sections:

  • Introduction - read surface-level information on TouchGFX and installation guide.
  • Basic Concepts - introduction to key graphics concepts.
  • Development - how to develop a TouchGFX application including, structure, workflow and tools.

Furthermore, the API and TouchGFX Academy can be accessed from the tabs at the top.

  • API - TouchGFX API with classes and globals.
  • TouchGFX Academy - TouchGFX features and -functionalities explained and showcased.

Target User

The TouchGFX documentation is targeting software developers with a basic skill-set within C++ and embedded GUI development on STM32. Newcomers to Embedded GUI Development are supported in the section Basic Concepts, while step by step guides and tutorials support everyone towards a smooth learning in TouchGFX development as well.

We would really like to improve this documentation in any way possible. If you don’t understand something, or cannot find what you are looking for in the docs, help us make the documentation better by letting us know in the forum!