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Welcome to TouchGFX Academy!

TouchGFX Academy is the place where the features and functionalities of TouchGFX are explained and showcased through practical examples. In TouchGFX Academy, you will learn how to realize your needs for embedded graphics applications. It is both targeted for you, who is brand new to TouchGFX, but also for you, who wants to take your GUI development to the next level.

By using TouchGFX Academy, you can improve your skills in GUI development and unleash the full potential of TouchGFX in your projects.

About TouchGFX Academy

TouchGFX Academy is structured in two main sections:

  • Tutorials: The tutorials cover basic topics and allow you to gain hands-on experience and practical insight into using TouchGFX. During the tutorials, you will receive step-by-step guidance to build a final application. As a result, you will be presented to various features and use-cases.
  • ''How to TouchGFX'' videos: Dive into a series of videos that cover technical topics related to embedded graphics in general, as well as specific TouchGFX features. These videos will teach you how to realize specific results and behaviors within your application. Explore our available ''How to TouchGFX'' videos to enhance your skills in GUI development and stay tuned as we expand our catalog!