


The class LCD8ARGB2222DebugPrinter implements the DebugPrinter interface for printing debug messages on top of 8bit framebuffer.

See: DebugPrinter

Inherits from: LCD8DebugPrinterBase, DebugPrinter

Public Functions

virtual voiddraw(const Rect & rect) const
Draws the debug string on top of the framebuffer content.

Additional inherited members

Protected Functions inherited from LCD8DebugPrinterBase

voiddrawColorType(const Rect & rect, const uint8_t debugColorType) const
Draws the DebugPrinter::debugString on top of the framebuffer content.

Public Functions inherited from DebugPrinter

Initializes a new instance of the DebugPrinter class.
const Rect &getRegion() const
Returns the region where the debug string is displayed.
voidsetColor(colortype fg)
Sets the foreground color of the debug string.
voidsetPosition(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h)
Sets the position onscreen where the debug string will be displayed.
voidsetScale(uint8_t scale)
Sets the font scale of the debug string.
voidsetString(const char * string)
Sets the debug string to be displayed on top of the framebuffer.
virtual ~DebugPrinter()
Finalizes an instance of the DebugPrinter class.

Protected Functions inherited from DebugPrinter

uint16_tgetGlyph(uint8_t c) const
Gets a glyph (15 bits) arranged with 3 bits wide, 5 bits high in a single uint16_t value.

Protected Attributes inherited from DebugPrinter

Font color to use when displaying the debug string.
Region on screen where the debug message is displayed.
Font scaling factor to use when displaying the debug string.
const char *debugString
Debug string to be displayed on screen.

Public Functions Documentation


virtual void draw(const Rect &rect)

Draws the debug string on top of the framebuffer content.

rectThe rect to draw inside.

Reimplements: touchgfx::DebugPrinter::draw