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An object of this type is passed with each callback that is sent when the graph is clicked. The object contains the data index that was pressed and the details of the click event, e.g. PRESSED, RELEASED and screen coordinates.

Public Functions

GraphClickEvent(int16_t i, const ClickEvent & event)
Initializes a new instance of the GraphClickEvent class.

Public Attributes

const ClickEvent &clickEvent
The ClickEvent that caused the callback to be executed.
The index of the item clicked.

Public Functions Documentation


GraphClickEvent(int16_ti ,
const ClickEvent &event

Initializes a new instance of the GraphClickEvent class.

iThe index of the item clicked.
eventThe ClickEvent that caused the callback to be executed.
See also:

Public Attributes Documentation


const ClickEvent & clickEvent

The ClickEvent that caused the callback to be executed.


int16_t index

The index of the item clicked.