How to TouchGFX videos
The ''How to TouchGFX'' videos show how to utilize TouchGFX Designer and TouchGFX Engine features.
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Install TouchGFXThis video guides you through the steps of installing TouchGFX.Go to page »

My first GUIThis video guides you through creating your first simple GUI in TouchGFX Designer.Go to page »

Create a clickable areaThis video guides you through creating an invisble clickable area of custom dimension.Go to page »

Move and animate widgetThis video demonstrates how to move a widget and how to animate its movements.Go to page »

Fade widgetThis video demonstrates three methods for fading a widget and adjusting its alpha value.Go to page »

Screen transitionThis video illustrates the process of adding screen transitions, choosing the right transition, and testing its performance.Go to page »

Change text at runtimeThis video demonstrates how to change a TextArea by using a wildcard.Go to page »

Add imagesThis video demonstrates how to use the different image widgets in TouchGFX Designer and how to change images at runtime.Go to page »

Create a custom containerLearn how to create a custom container, export it and import it.Go to page »

Save flash memoryThis video shows how to save flash memory with TouchGFX.Go to page »