

Generic heap class for MVP applications. Serves as a way of obtaining the memory storage areas for presenters, screens, transitions and the concrete application.

Subclassed by an application-specific heap which provides the actual storage areas. This generic interface is used only in makeTransition.

Public Functions

MVPHeap(AbstractPartition & pres, AbstractPartition & scr, AbstractPartition & tra, MVPApplication & app)
Initializes a new instance of the MVPHeap class.
virtual ~MVPHeap()
Finalizes an instance of the MVPHeap class.

Public Attributes

MVPApplication &frontendApplication
A reference to the MVPApplication instance.
AbstractPartition &presenterStorage
A memory partition containing enough memory to hold the largest presenter.
AbstractPartition &screenStorage
A memory partition containing enough memory to hold the largest view.
AbstractPartition &transitionStorage
A memory partition containing enough memory to hold the largest transition.

Public Functions Documentation


Initializes a new instance of the MVPHeap class.

presA memory partition containing enough memory to hold the largest presenter.
scrA memory partition containing enough memory to hold the largest view.
traA memory partition containing enough memory to hold the largest transition.
appA reference to the MVPApplication instance.


virtual ~MVPHeap()

Finalizes an instance of the MVPHeap class.

Public Attributes Documentation


MVPApplication & frontendApplication

A reference to the MVPApplication instance.


AbstractPartition & presenterStorage

A memory partition containing enough memory to hold the largest presenter.


AbstractPartition & screenStorage

A memory partition containing enough memory to hold the largest view.


AbstractPartition & transitionStorage

A memory partition containing enough memory to hold the largest transition.