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This is an "empty" DMA subclass that does nothing except assert if accidentally used. An instance of this object can be used if DMA support is not desired.

See: DMA_Interface

Inherits from: DMA_Interface

Public Functions

virtual voidflush()
Block until all DMA transfers are complete.
virtual BlitOperationsgetBlitCaps()
No blit operations supported by this DMA implementation.
virtual voidsetupDataCopy(const BlitOp & blitOp)
Asserts if used.
virtual voidsetupDataFill(const BlitOp & blitOp)
Asserts if used.
virtual voidsignalDMAInterrupt()
Does nothing.

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from DMA_Interface

virtual voidaddToQueue(const BlitOp & op)
Inserts a BlitOp for processing.
boolgetAllowed() const
Gets whether a DMA operation is allowed to begin.
virtual DMATypegetDMAType(void )
Function for obtaining the DMA type of the concrete DMA_Interface implementation.
virtual voidinitialize()
Perform initialization.
Query if the DMA queue is empty.
Query if the DMA queue is full.
Query if the DMA is running.
voidsetAllowed(bool allowed)
Sets whether or not a DMA operation is allowed to begin.
virtual voidstart()
Signals that DMA transfers can start.
virtual ~DMA_Interface()
Finalizes an instance of the DMA_Interface class.

Protected Functions inherited from DMA_Interface

virtual voiddisableAlpha()
Configures blit-op hardware for solid operation (no alpha-blending)
DMA_Interface(DMA_Queue & dmaQueue)
Constructs a DMA Interface object.
virtual voidenableAlpha(uint8_t alpha)
Configures blit-op hardware for alpha-blending.
virtual voidenableCopyWithTransparentPixels(uint8_t alpha)
Configures blit-op hardware for alpha-blending while simultaneously skipping transparent pixels.
virtual voidexecute()
Performs a queued blit-op.
virtual voidexecuteCompleted()
To be called when blit-op has been performed.
virtual voidseedExecution()
Called when elements are added to the DMA-queue.
virtual voidwaitForFrameBufferSemaphore()
Waits until framebuffer semaphore is available (i.e.

Protected Attributes inherited from DMA_Interface

true if DMA transfers are currently allowed.
true if a DMA transfer is currently ongoing.
DMA_Queue &queue
Reference to the DMA queue.

Public Functions Documentation


virtual void flush()

Block until all DMA transfers are complete.

Since this particular DMA does not do anything, return immediately.

Reimplements: touchgfx::DMA_Interface::flush


virtual BlitOperations getBlitCaps()

No blit operations supported by this DMA implementation.


Zero (no blit ops supported).

Reimplements: touchgfx::DMA_Interface::getBlitCaps



virtual void setupDataCopy(const BlitOp &blitOp)

Asserts if used.

blitOpThe blit operation to be performed by this DMA instance.

Reimplements: touchgfx::DMA_Interface::setupDataCopy


virtual void setupDataFill(const BlitOp &blitOp)

Asserts if used.

blitOpThe blit operation to be performed by this DMA instance.

Reimplements: touchgfx::DMA_Interface::setupDataFill


virtual void signalDMAInterrupt()