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Main Window

The Main Window of TouchGFX Designer consists of a Navigation Bar, Command Buttons, Notification Bar, and Detailed log. The Main Window forms a frame around the 'View' (The 'View' area, is the area that has been blurred in the image below)

Main window of TouchGFX Designer

In TouchGFX Designer, navigation is done through the Navigation Bar (see image below), here the View can be changed to one of the following views:

  • Canvas used for drag and drop application building.
  • Images used for management of the images used in a project.
  • Texts used for management of texts and typographies in a project.
  • Config used for configuration of various settings for a project.

Navigation bar in TouchGFX Designer


In the Commands section of TouchGFX Designer three buttons can be found: 'Run Simulator', 'Run Target' and 'Generate Code'. (See image below). These buttons each execute a combination of commands.

Command buttons in TouchGFX Designer

The commands these buttons execute can be overwritten in the Build section in Config.

Run Simulator

The Run Simulator command triggers a complete code generation, then executes the following commands:

  • Generate Assets Command
  • Post Generate Command
  • Compile Simulator Command
  • Run Simulator command

The Run Simulator command can also be triggered by pressing F5

Run Target

The Run Target command triggers a complete code generation, then executes following commands:

  • Generate Assets Command
  • Post Generate Command 'Post
  • Generate Target Command
  • Compile Target Command
  • Flash Target command

The Run Target command can also be triggered by pressing F6


The Generate Code command triggers a complete code generation, then executes following commands:

  • Generate Assets Command
  • Post Generate Command
  • Post Generate Target Command

The Generate Code command can also be triggered by pressing F7

Notification Bar

The Notification Bar at the bottom of the Main Window, shows the status of the current command being run. If a command fails, the bar will turn red and an error icon will be displayed along with the command that failed. Commands that succeed will first turn green and then will be cleared from the Notification Bar, whereas commands that fail will continue to be displayed until another command is started.

Notification bar success in TouchGFX Designer

Notification bar failed in TouchGFX Designer

Detailed Log

Pressing anywhere on the Notification Bar opens a window showing the full log of the last command that was run by the designer. The output of a command will stream into this window (See GIF below), the window can also be undocked/docked from the Main Window, by pressing the undock/dock icon in the top right corner of the Detailed Log window.

The Detailed Log window can also be toggled with ALT + L

Detailed log in TouchGFX Designer

Browse Code

The Browse Code button allows for easy access to the directory of the project by opening the directory in a new File Explorer window.

Browse Code and Detailed Log in TouchGFX Designer