The TextureMapper widget displays a transformed image. It can be used to generate effects where an image should be rotated in two or three dimensions.
The image can be freely scaled and rotated in three dimensions. The scaling and rotation is done around the adjustable origin. A virtual camera is applied to the rendered image yielding a perspective impression. The amount of perspective impression can be adjusted. The transformed image is clipped according to the dimensions of the TextureMapper widget. In order to make the image fully visible the TextureMapper should be large enough to accommodate the transformed image, which may be larger than the raw image.
See: Widget
- The drawing of this widget is not trivial and typically has a significant performance penalty. The number of pixels drawn, the presence of global alpha or per pixel alpha inflicts the computation and should be considered.
- This widget does not support 1 bit per pixel color depth.
Inherits from: Image, Widget, Drawable
Inherited by: AnimationTextureMapper
Public Types
Rendering algorithm to use when scaling the bitmap. | |
Public Functions
virtual void | draw(const Rect & invalidatedArea) const |
Draw this drawable. | |
virtual float | getBitmapPositionX() const |
Gets bitmap position x coordinate. | |
virtual float | getBitmapPositionY() const |
Gets bitmap position y coordinate. | |
Rect | getBoundingRect() const |
Gets bounding rectangle of the transformed bitmap. | |
virtual float | getCameraDistance() const |
Gets camera distance. | |
virtual float | getCameraX() const |
Gets camera x coordinate. | |
virtual float | getCameraY() const |
Gets camera y coordinate. | |
virtual float | getOrigoX() const |
Gets transformation origo x coordinate. | |
virtual float | getOrigoY() const |
Gets transformation origo y coordinate. | |
virtual float | getOrigoZ() const |
Gets transformation origo z coordinate. | |
virtual RenderingAlgorithm | getRenderingAlgorithm() const |
Gets the algorithm used when rendering. | |
virtual float | getScale() const |
Gets the scale of the image. | |
virtual Rect | getSolidRect() const |
Get (the largest possible) rectangle that is guaranteed to be solid (opaque). | |
virtual float | getX0() const |
Get the x coordinate of the top left corner of the transformed bitmap. | |
virtual float | getX1() const |
Get the x coordinate of the top right corner of the transformed bitmap. | |
virtual float | getX2() const |
Get the x coordinate of the bottom right of the transformed bitmap. | |
virtual float | getX3() const |
Get the x coordinate of the bottom left corner of the transformed bitmap. | |
virtual float | getXAngle() const |
Get the x angle in radians. | |
virtual float | getY0() const |
Get the y coordinate of the top left corner of the transformed bitmap. | |
virtual float | getY1() const |
Get the y coordinate of the top right corner of the transformed bitmap. | |
virtual float | getY2() const |
Get the y coordinate of the bottom right corner of the transformed bitmap. | |
virtual float | getY3() const |
Get the y coordinate of the bottom left corner of the transformed bitmap. | |
virtual float | getYAngle() const |
Get the y angle in radians. | |
virtual float | getZ0() const |
Get the z coordinate of the top left corner of the transformed bitmap. | |
virtual float | getZ1() const |
Get the z coordinate of the top right corner of the transformed bitmap. | |
virtual float | getZ2() const |
Get the z coordinate of the bottom right corner of the transformed bitmap. | |
virtual float | getZ3() const |
Get the z coordinate of the bottom left corner of the transformed bitmap. | |
virtual float | getZAngle() const |
Get the z angle in radians. | |
virtual void | invalidateContent() const |
Tell the framework that the contents of the Drawable needs to be redrawn. | |
virtual void | setAngles(float newXAngle, float newYAngle, float newZAngle) |
Sets the angles in radians of the image. | |
virtual void | setBitmap(const Bitmap & bmp) |
Sets the bitmap for this TextureMapper and updates the width and height of this widget to match those of the Bitmap. | |
virtual void | setBitmapPosition(float x, float y) |
Sets the position of the bitmap within the TextureMapper. | |
virtual void | setBitmapPosition(int x, int y) |
Sets the position of the bitmap within the TextureMapper. | |
virtual void | setCamera(float x, float y) |
Sets the camera coordinate. | |
virtual void | setCameraDistance(float d) |
Sets camera distance. | |
virtual void | setOrigo(float x, float y) |
Sets the transformation origo (center) in two dimensions. | |
virtual void | setOrigo(float x, float y, float z) |
Sets the transformation origo (center). | |
virtual void | setRenderingAlgorithm(RenderingAlgorithm algorithm) |
Sets the render algorithm to be used. | |
virtual void | setScale(float newScale) |
Sets the scale of the image. | |
virtual void | setXAngle(float newXAngle) |
Sets the x angle in radians. | |
virtual void | setYAngle(float newYAngle) |
Sets the y angle in radians. | |
virtual void | setZAngle(float newZAngle) |
Sets the z angle in radians. | |
TextureMapper(const Bitmap & bmp =Bitmap()) | |
Constructs a new TextureMapper with a default alpha value of 255 (solid) and a default Bitmap (undefined) if none is specified. | |
TOUCHGFX_DEPRECATED("Please use invalidateContent() instead." , void invalidateBoundingRect() const ) | |
Invalidate the bounding rectangle of the transformed bitmap. | |
virtual void | updateAngles(float newXAngle, float newYAngle, float newZAngle) |
Updates the angles in radians of the image. | |
virtual void | updateScale(float newScale) |
Updates the scale of the image. | |
virtual void | updateXAngle(float newXAngle) |
Updates the x angle in radians. | |
virtual void | updateYAngle(float newYAngle) |
Updates the y angle in radians. | |
virtual void | updateZAngle(float newZAngle) |
Updates the z angle in radians. | |
Protected Functions
void | applyTransformation() |
Transform the bitmap using the supplied origo, scale, rotation and camera. | |
void | drawQuad(const Rect & invalidatedArea, uint16_t fb, const float triangleXs, const float triangleYs, const float triangleZs, const float triangleUs, const float triangleVs) const |
The TextureMapper will draw the transformed bitmap by drawing one transformed quad. | |
RenderingVariant | lookupRenderVariant() const |
Returns the rendering variant based on the bitmap format, alpha value and rendering algorithm. | |
Protected Attributes
float | cameraDistance |
The camera distance. | |
RenderingAlgorithm | currentRenderingAlgorithm |
The current rendering algorithm. | |
float | imageX0 |
The coordinate for the image points. | |
float | imageX1 |
The coordinate for the image points. | |
float | imageX2 |
The coordinate for the image points. | |
float | imageX3 |
The coordinate for the image points. | |
float | imageY0 |
The coordinate for the image points. | |
float | imageY1 |
The coordinate for the image points. | |
float | imageY2 |
The coordinate for the image points. | |
float | imageY3 |
The coordinate for the image points. | |
float | imageZ0 |
The coordinate for the image points. | |
float | imageZ1 |
The coordinate for the image points. | |
float | imageZ2 |
The coordinate for the image points. | |
float | imageZ3 |
The coordinate for the image points. | |
float | scale |
The scale. | |
uint16_t | subDivisionSize |
The size of the affine sub divisions. | |
float | xAngle |
The angle x in radians. | |
float | xBitmapPosition |
The bitmap position x. | |
float | xCamera |
The camera x coordinate. | |
float | xOrigo |
The origo x coordinate. | |
float | yAngle |
The angle y in radians. | |
float | yBitmapPosition |
The bitmap position y. | |
float | yCamera |
The camera y coordinate. | |
float | yOrigo |
The origo y coordinate. | |
float | zAngle |
The angle z in radians. | |
float | zOrigo |
The origo z coordinate. | |
The minimal camera distance. | |
Additional inherited members
Public Functions inherited from Image
uint8_t | getAlpha() const |
Gets the current alpha value of the widget. | |
Bitmap | getBitmap() const |
Gets the Bitmap currently assigned to the Image widget. | |
BitmapId | getBitmapId() const |
Gets the BitmapId currently assigned to the Image widget. | |
Image(const Bitmap & bmp =Bitmap()) | |
Constructs a new Image with a default alpha value of 255 (solid) and a default Bitmap (undefined) if none is specified. | |
void | setAlpha(uint8_t newAlpha) |
Sets the opacity (alpha value). | |
Protected Attributes inherited from Image
Public Functions inherited from Widget
virtual void | getLastChild(int16_t , int16_t , Drawable ** last) |
Since a Widget is only one Drawable, Widget::getLastChild simply yields itself as result, but only if the Widget isVisible and isTouchable. | |
Public Functions inherited from Drawable
void | center() |
Centers the Drawable inside its parent. | |
void | centerX() |
Center the Drawable horizontally inside its parent. | |
void | centerY() |
Center the Drawable vertically inside its parent. | |
virtual void | childGeometryChanged() |
This function can be called on parent nodes to signal that the size or position of one or more of its children has changed. | |
Drawable() | |
Initializes a new instance of the Drawable class. | |
void | drawToDynamicBitmap(BitmapId id) |
Render the Drawable object into a dynamic bitmap. | |
void | expand(int margin =0) |
Expands the Drawable to have the same size as its parent with a given margin around the edge. | |
Rect | getAbsoluteRect() const |
Helper function for obtaining the rectangle this Drawable covers, expressed in absolute coordinates. | |
virtual Drawable * | getFirstChild() |
Function for obtaining the first child of this drawable if any. | |
int16_t | getHeight() const |
Gets the height of this Drawable. | |
virtual void | getLastChild(int16_t x, int16_t y, Drawable ** last) =0 |
Function for obtaining the the last child of this drawable that intersects with the specified point. | |
Drawable * | getNextSibling() |
Gets the next sibling node. | |
Drawable * | getParent() const |
Returns the parent node. | |
const Rect & | getRect() const |
Gets the rectangle this Drawable covers, in coordinates relative to its parent. | |
virtual Rect | getSolidRectAbsolute() |
Helper function for obtaining the largest solid rect (as implemented by getSolidRect()) expressed in absolute coordinates. | |
virtual void | getVisibleRect(Rect & rect) const |
Function for finding the visible part of this drawable. | |
int16_t | getWidth() const |
Gets the width of this Drawable. | |
int16_t | getX() const |
Gets the x coordinate of this Drawable, relative to its parent. | |
int16_t | getY() const |
Gets the y coordinate of this Drawable, relative to its parent. | |
virtual void | handleClickEvent(const ClickEvent & event) |
Defines the event handler interface for ClickEvents. | |
virtual void | handleDragEvent(const DragEvent & event) |
Defines the event handler interface for DragEvents. | |
virtual void | handleGestureEvent(const GestureEvent & event) |
Defines the event handler interface for GestureEvents. | |
virtual void | handleTickEvent() |
Called periodically by the framework if the Drawable instance has subscribed to timer ticks. | |
virtual void | invalidate() const |
Tell the framework that this entire Drawable needs to be redrawn. | |
virtual void | invalidateRect(Rect & invalidatedArea) const |
Request that a region of this drawable is redrawn. | |
bool | isTouchable() const |
Gets whether this Drawable receives touch events or not. | |
bool | isVisible() const |
Gets whether this Drawable is visible. | |
virtual void | moveRelative(int16_t x, int16_t y) |
Moves the drawable. | |
virtual void | moveTo(int16_t x, int16_t y) |
Moves the drawable. | |
virtual void | setHeight(int16_t height) |
Sets the height of this drawable. | |
void | setPosition(const Drawable & drawable) |
Sets the position of the Drawable to the same as the given Drawable. | |
void | setPosition(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width, int16_t height) |
Sets the size and position of this Drawable, relative to its parent. | |
void | setTouchable(bool touch) |
Controls whether this Drawable receives touch events or not. | |
void | setVisible(bool vis) |
Controls whether this Drawable should be visible. | |
virtual void | setWidth(int16_t width) |
Sets the width of this drawable. | |
void | setWidthHeight(const Bitmap & bitmap) |
Sets the dimensions (width and height) of the Drawable without changing the x and y coordinates). | |
void | setWidthHeight(const Drawable & drawable) |
Sets the dimensions (width and height) of the Drawable without changing the x and y coordinates). | |
void | setWidthHeight(const Rect & other) |
Sets the dimensions (width and height) of the Drawable without changing the x and y coordinates). | |
void | setWidthHeight(int16_t width, int16_t height) |
Sets the dimensions (width and height) of the Drawable without changing the x and y coordinates). | |
virtual void | setX(int16_t x) |
Sets the x coordinate of this Drawable, relative to its parent. | |
void | setXY(const Drawable & drawable) |
Sets the x and y coordinates of this Drawable. | |
void | setXY(int16_t x, int16_t y) |
Sets the x and y coordinates of this Drawable, relative to its parent. | |
virtual void | setY(int16_t y) |
Sets the y coordinate of this Drawable, relative to its parent. | |
virtual void | translateRectToAbsolute(Rect & r) const |
Helper function for converting a region of this Drawable to absolute coordinates. | |
virtual | ~Drawable() |
Finalizes an instance of the Drawable class. | |
Protected Attributes inherited from Drawable
Drawable * | nextSibling |
Pointer to the next Drawable. | |
Drawable * | parent |
Pointer to this drawable's parent. | |
Rect | rect |
The coordinates of this Drawable, relative to its parent. | |
bool | touchable |
True if this drawable should receive touch events. | |
bool | visible |
True if this drawable should be drawn. | |
Public Types Documentation
enum RenderingAlgorithm
Rendering algorithm to use when scaling the bitmap.
NEAREST_NEIGHBOR | Fast but not a very good image quality. Good for fast animations. |
BILINEAR_INTERPOLATION | Slower but better image quality. Good for static representation of a scaled image. |
Public Functions Documentation
Draw this drawable.
It is a requirement that the draw implementation does not draw outside the region specified by invalidatedArea.
invalidatedArea | The sub-region of this drawable that needs to be redrawn, expressed in coordinates relative to its parent (e.g. for a complete redraw, invalidatedArea will be (0, 0, width, height). |
Reimplements: touchgfx::Image::draw
virtual float getBitmapPositionX | ( | ) | const |
Gets bitmap position x coordinate.
The bitmap position x coordinate.
virtual float getBitmapPositionY | ( | ) | const |
Gets bitmap position y coordinate.
The bitmap position y coordinate.
Rect getBoundingRect | ( | ) | const |
Gets bounding rectangle of the transformed bitmap.
This is the smallest possible rectangle which covers the image of the bitmap after applying scale and rotation.
The bounding rectangle.
virtual float getCameraDistance | ( | ) | const |
virtual float getCameraX | ( | ) | const |
virtual float getCameraY | ( | ) | const |
virtual float getOrigoX | ( | ) | const |
Gets transformation origo x coordinate.
The transformation origo x coordinate.
virtual float getOrigoY | ( | ) | const |
Gets transformation origo y coordinate.
The transformation origo y coordinate.
virtual float getOrigoZ | ( | ) | const |
Gets transformation origo z coordinate.
The transformation origo z coordinate.
virtual RenderingAlgorithm getRenderingAlgorithm | ( | ) | const |
Gets the algorithm used when rendering.
The algorithm used when rendering.
virtual Rect getSolidRect | ( | ) | const |
Get (the largest possible) rectangle that is guaranteed to be solid (opaque).
This information is important, as any Drawable underneath the solid area does not need to be drawn.
The solid rectangle part of the Drawable.
The rectangle returned must be relative to upper left corner of the Drawable, meaning that a completely solid widget should return the full size Rect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()). If no area can be guaranteed to be solid, an empty Rect must be returned. Failing to return the correct rectangle may result in errors on the display.
Reimplements: touchgfx::Image::getSolidRect
virtual float getX0 | ( | ) | const |
Get the x coordinate of the top left corner of the transformed bitmap.
The X0 coordinate.
virtual float getX1 | ( | ) | const |
Get the x coordinate of the top right corner of the transformed bitmap.
The X1 coordinate.
virtual float getX2 | ( | ) | const |
Get the x coordinate of the bottom right of the transformed bitmap.
The X2 coordinate.
virtual float getX3 | ( | ) | const |
Get the x coordinate of the bottom left corner of the transformed bitmap.
The X3 coordinate.
virtual float getXAngle | ( | ) | const |
Get the x angle in radians.
The x angle.
Angles are given in radians, so a full circle is 2*PI.
virtual float getY0 | ( | ) | const |
Get the y coordinate of the top left corner of the transformed bitmap.
The Y0 coordinate.
virtual float getY1 | ( | ) | const |
Get the y coordinate of the top right corner of the transformed bitmap.
The Y1 coordinate.
virtual float getY2 | ( | ) | const |
Get the y coordinate of the bottom right corner of the transformed bitmap.
The Y2 coordinate.
virtual float getY3 | ( | ) | const |
Get the y coordinate of the bottom left corner of the transformed bitmap.
The Y3 coordinate.
virtual float getYAngle | ( | ) | const |
Get the y angle in radians.
The y angle.
Angles are given in radians, so a full circle is 2*PI.
virtual float getZ0 | ( | ) | const |
Get the z coordinate of the top left corner of the transformed bitmap.
The Z0 coordinate.
virtual float getZ1 | ( | ) | const |
Get the z coordinate of the top right corner of the transformed bitmap.
The Z1 coordinate.
virtual float getZ2 | ( | ) | const |
Get the z coordinate of the bottom right corner of the transformed bitmap.
The Z2 coordinate.
virtual float getZ3 | ( | ) | const |
Get the z coordinate of the bottom left corner of the transformed bitmap.
The Z3 coordinate.
virtual float getZAngle | ( | ) | const |
Get the z angle in radians.
The z angle.
Angles are given in radians, so a full circle is 2*PI.
virtual void invalidateContent | ( | ) | const |
Tell the framework that the contents of the Drawable needs to be redrawn.
If the Drawable is invisible, nothing happens. Subclasses of Drawable are encouraged to implement this function and invalidate as little as possible, i.e. the smallest rectangle covering the visual element(s) drawn by the widget.
Reimplements: touchgfx::Image::invalidateContent
virtual void setAngles | ( | float | newXAngle , | ||
float | newYAngle , | ||||
float | newZAngle | ||||
) |
Sets the angles in radians of the image.
newXAngle | The new x Angle. |
newYAngle | The new y Angle. |
newZAngle | The new x Angle. |
The area covered by the image before/after changing the angles is NOT invalidated. Angles are given in radians, so a full circle is 2*PI.
Sets the bitmap for this TextureMapper and updates the width and height of this widget to match those of the Bitmap.
bmp | The bitmap instance. |
The user code must call invalidate() in order to update the image on the display.
Reimplements: touchgfx::Image::setBitmap
virtual void setBitmapPosition | ( | float | x , | ||
float | y | ||||
) |
Sets the position of the bitmap within the TextureMapper.
The bitmap is clipped with respect to the dimensions of the TextureMapper widget.
x | The x coordinate. |
y | The y coordinate. |
virtual void setBitmapPosition | ( | int | x , | ||
int | y | ||||
) |
Sets the position of the bitmap within the TextureMapper.
The bitmap is clipped with respect to the dimensions of the TextureMapper widget.
x | The x coordinate. |
y | The y coordinate. |
virtual void setCamera | ( | float | x , | ||
float | y | ||||
) |
Sets the camera coordinate.
x | The x coordinate for the camera. |
y | The y coordinate for the camera. |
virtual void setCameraDistance | ( | float | d | ) | |
Sets camera distance.
If the given value is below TextureMapper::MINIMAL_CAMERA_DISTANCE, it will be set to TextureMapper::MINIMAL_CAMERA_DISTANCE.
d | The new camera distance. |
virtual void setOrigo | ( | float | x , | ||
float | y | ||||
) |
virtual void setOrigo | ( | float | x , | ||
float | y , | ||||
float | z | ||||
) |
virtual void setRenderingAlgorithm | ( | RenderingAlgorithm | algorithm | ) | |
Sets the render algorithm to be used.
Default setting is NEAREST_NEIGHBOR.
algorithm | The algorithm to use when rendering. |
virtual void setScale | ( | float | newScale | ) | |
virtual void setXAngle | ( | float | newXAngle | ) | |
Sets the x angle in radians.
newXAngle | The new x angle. |
The area covered by the image before/after changing the angle is NOT invalidated. Angles are given in radians, so a full circle is 2*PI.
virtual void setYAngle | ( | float | newYAngle | ) | |
Sets the y angle in radians.
newYAngle | The new y angle. |
The area covered by the image before/after changing the angle is NOT invalidated. Angles are given in radians, so a full circle is 2*PI.
virtual void setZAngle | ( | float | newZAngle | ) | |
Sets the z angle in radians.
newZAngle | The new z angle. |
The area covered by the image before/after changing the angle is NOT invalidated. Angles are given in radians, so a full circle is 2*PI.
TextureMapper | ( | const Bitmap & | bmp =Bitmap() | ) | |
Constructs a new TextureMapper with a default alpha value of 255 (solid) and a default Bitmap (undefined) if none is specified.
If a Bitmap is passed to the constructor, the width and height of this widget is set to those of the bitmap.
bmp | (Optional) The bitmap to display. |
TOUCHGFX_DEPRECATED | ( | "Please use invalidateContent() instead." | , | ||
void invalidateBoundingRect() const | |||||
) |
Invalidate the bounding rectangle of the transformed bitmap.
Please use invalidateContent() instead.
virtual void updateAngles | ( | float | newXAngle , | ||
float | newYAngle , | ||||
float | newZAngle | ||||
) |
Updates the angles in radians of the image.
The area covered by the image before and after changing the angles is invalidated, which is the smallest required rectangle.
newXAngle | The new x Angle. |
newYAngle | The new y Angle. |
newZAngle | The new x Angle. |
Angles are given in radians, so a full circle is 2*PI.
virtual void updateScale | ( | float | newScale | ) | |
virtual void updateXAngle | ( | float | newXAngle | ) | |
Updates the x angle in radians.
newXAngle | The new x angle. |
Angles are given in radians, so a full circle is 2*PI.
virtual void updateYAngle | ( | float | newYAngle | ) | |
Updates the y angle in radians.
newYAngle | The new y angle. |
Angles are given in radians, so a full circle is 2*PI.
virtual void updateZAngle | ( | float | newZAngle | ) | |
Updates the z angle in radians.
newZAngle | The new z angle. |
Angles are given in radians, so a full circle is 2*PI.
Protected Functions Documentation
void applyTransformation | ( | ) |
Transform the bitmap using the supplied origo, scale, rotation and camera.
This method is called by all the methods that manipulate origo, scale, rotation and camera.
void drawQuad | ( | const Rect & | invalidatedArea , | const | |
uint16_t * | fb , | const | |||
const float * | triangleXs , | const | |||
const float * | triangleYs , | const | |||
const float * | triangleZs , | const | |||
const float * | triangleUs , | const | |||
const float * | triangleVs | const | |||
) | const |
The TextureMapper will draw the transformed bitmap by drawing one transformed quad.
The quad is drawn from the points 0,1,2,3 using the x,y,z values from each point along with the u,v coordinates in the bitmap associated with each point.
invalidatedArea | The invalidated area. |
fb | The framebuffer. |
triangleXs | The triangle xs. |
triangleYs | The triangle ys. |
triangleZs | The triangle zs. |
triangleUs | The triangle us. |
triangleVs | The triangle vs. |
RenderingVariant lookupRenderVariant | ( | ) | const |
Returns the rendering variant based on the bitmap format, alpha value and rendering algorithm.
The RenderingVariant.
Protected Attributes Documentation
float cameraDistance
The camera distance.
RenderingAlgorithm currentRenderingAlgorithm
The current rendering algorithm.
float imageX0
The coordinate for the image points.
float imageX1
The coordinate for the image points.
float imageX2
The coordinate for the image points.
float imageX3
The coordinate for the image points.
float imageY0
The coordinate for the image points.
float imageY1
The coordinate for the image points.
float imageY2
The coordinate for the image points.
float imageY3
The coordinate for the image points.
float imageZ0
The coordinate for the image points.
float imageZ1
The coordinate for the image points.
float imageZ2
The coordinate for the image points.
float imageZ3
The coordinate for the image points.
float scale
The scale.
uint16_t subDivisionSize
The size of the affine sub divisions.
float xAngle
The angle x in radians.
float xBitmapPosition
The bitmap position x.
float xCamera
The camera x coordinate.
float xOrigo
The origo x coordinate.
float yAngle
The angle y in radians.
float yBitmapPosition
The bitmap position y.
float yCamera
The camera y coordinate.
float yOrigo
The origo y coordinate.
float zAngle
The angle z in radians.
float zOrigo
The origo z coordinate.
The minimal camera distance.