📄️ Image Formats
TouchGFX supports multiple image formats. The image formats are
📄️ Custom Triggers and Actions
With TouchGFX Designer it is possible to define your own interaction components with Custom Triggers and Actions. Each Screen in your application can contain a collection of actions (these are simply void methods in C++) that you can call from within the TouchGFX Designer as well as in code, while custom containers can also have a collection of triggers (which is equal to a callback in C++) which your application can react to. In this article, we will go through this functionality to learn the possibilities this gives us to create more clean and dynamic TouchGFX applications.
📄️ Screen Transitions
TouchGFX supports various transitions between Screens. This allows the
📄️ Position and size
Large parts of the UI setup of common TouchGFX application can be
📄️ Custom Containers
When creating applications you might need a widget that is not found in the standard widget set included in TouchGFX.
📄️ Caching Bitmaps
In this section we will discuss the bitmap cache in TouchGFX. The
📄️ Custom Widgets
When creating applications you may need widgets that are not part of the TouchGFX distribution.
📄️ Canvas Widgets
Canvas Widgets and the Canvas Widget Renderer are a powerful and versatile add-on to TouchGFX which provides nice smooth, anti-aliased drawing of geometric shapes using relatively little memory while maintaining high performance. However, rendering geometrical shapes must be seen as a quite expensive operation and can easily strain the microcontrollers resources if not used carefully.
📄️ Dynamic Bitmaps
This section explains how to use Dynamic Bitmaps. Recall that standard
📄️ Binary Fonts
This section describes how to use binary fonts in TouchGFX. The first
📄️ Font Caching
This section describes how to use the font cache to handle binary
📄️ Binary Translations
This section describes how to use binary translations in
📄️ Backend Communication
In most applications, the UI needs to be connected to the rest of your system somehow, and send and receive data. This could be interfacing with hardware peripherals (sensor data, A/D conversions, serial communication, ...) or interfacing with other software modules.
📄️ Mixins
A Mixin is a class that extends the functionality of a widget to, for example, be able to animate movement or a change in their alpha value. The Move Animator and Fade Animator mixins are the basis of TouchGFX Designer Interactions being able to generate code that animates movement and alpha change. These mixins can be added to a widget either through TouchGFX Designer or manually in User Code.
📄️ Texts and Fonts
Texts and fonts are very important aspects of modern graphical user interfaces. It is important to be able to display high quality anti-aliased texts in all the languages that your application supports.
📄️ Languages and Characters
TouchGFX enables internationalized and localized applications.
📄️ MJPEG Video
TouchGFX supports using MJPEG video starting from version 4.18. Video
📄️ SVG
TouchGFX supports using SVG images starting from version 4.21. SVG
📄️ Vector Fonts
TouchGFX supports using fonts in vector format starting from version
📄️ Image Compression
TouchGFX supports image compression starting from version 4.22. The
📄️ Bitmap Font Compression
TouchGFX supports bitmap font compression starting from version 4.25.
📄️ Animation Storage
The Animation Storage is an optional extra frame buffer supported by