
TouchGFX AL Configuration

Having enabled TouchGFX Generator for a project, three main groups (Display, Driver and Video Decoding) exist in the X-CUBE user interface. A fourth, "Dependencies", will appear if a problem with the current configuration is detected.

  • Dependencies - This group contains notifications to the developer about dependencies, warnings or concrete errors in the configuration. The group is hidden if no entries exist.
  • Display - This group contains settings related to display such as interface, framebuffer bitdepth, width and height. These settings directly impact the size of the canvas of the TouchGFX project as well as the code generated for assets.
  • Driver - This group allows the user to opt-in for a number of ready-made drivers related to the tick source of the application, graphics acceleration (DMA2D and GPU2D) and RTOS.
  • Additional Features - This group contains additional features available in the configuration e.g. creating an application using image- and font-data from non-memory mapped flash, or an application having Vector Rendering capabilities.
  • Video Decoding - This group allows the user to enable hardware or software video decoding. This option is necessary to work with the video widget. Note that not all MCUs support video decoding.

TouchGFX Generator UI in STM32CubeMX

This section walks through the different options for each setting the TouchGFX Generator provides for configuring the Abstraction Layer in STM32CubeMX.